KCSE Past Papers 2021 History and Government Paper 2 (311/2)

HISTORY& GOVERNMENT PAPER:311 /2 KCSE 2021 MARKING SCHEME SECTION A (25MARKS) 1.Identify two forms of government(2 marks) i)Democratic/Democracy ii)Dictatorial/Authoritarian/Totalitarian/Dictatorship/Autocracy iii)Aristocratic /Aristocracy/Oligarchy iv)Monarchical /monarchy v)Theocratic /Theocracy vi)Plutocratic /Plutocracy 2. State two basic methods in which the early human beings obtained food(2 Read More …

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Legal Aspects of Information Notes

DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION SCIENCE MODULE III-2913/306 introduction to legal aspect of information meaning of legal aspect of information purpose of legal aspect in information services historical background of legal information services nature of legal information services in Kenya intellectual property Read More …

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System Analysis and Designs Notes

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. Systems development is systematic process which includes phases such as planning, analysis, design, deployment, and maintenance. Systems Analysis It is a process of collecting and interpreting facts, identifying the problems, and decomposition of a system into Read More …

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Information in Society Notes

Meaning- refers to knowledge of obtained from investigation, study or instruction- refers to the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence. Importance of information in society 1. Creates confidence among individuals 2. facilitate effective contributors 3. it helping  in forming Read More …

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Organization and Retrieval of information Notes

ORGANIZATION AND RETRIEVAL OF INFORMATION LIBRARY (BOOK) CLASSIFICATION It is the process of determining the main subjects of an item and characteristic and then expressing them by the most appropriate notation from a classification scheme. Broad (general) classification is a Read More …

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