KCSE Past Paper 2 Computer Studies 2011

 Computer Studies Paper 2 (451/2) 1 The data in the tables below was extracted from a survey data on employment. Table 1: EMPLOYEE TABLE (a) (i) Create a database named “EMPLOYMENT” to store the data above. (14 marks) (ii) Create Read More …

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KCSE Past Paper 1 Computer Studies 2011

 Computer Studies Paper 1 (451/1) SECTION A (40 marks) Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided. 1 The text in the box below was composed using a wordprocessor. The current cursor position is between the Words “is” and Read More …

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KCSE Past Paper 2 Computer Studies 2013

Computer Studies Paper 2 (451/2) 1. Table 1, table 2 and table 3 are extracts of records kept in a health centre for patients, doctors and consultations respectively. i Using a database application package, create a database file named PATIENTSINFO. Read More …

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KCSE Past Paper 1 Computer Studies 2013

 Computer Studies Paper 1 (451/1) SECTION A (40 marks) Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided. 1. Write each of the following acronyms in full as used in computing. (a) CAD (b) DVD (c) WORM (d) Read More …

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KCSE Past Paper 2 Computer Studies 2014

Computer Studies Paper 2 (451/2) 1 Singlen Clean Limited is a waste management company. They have new services which they would wish to introduce to their clients through a letter. An invoice for previous services offered will be attached to Read More …

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Law Revision 1 – Click to download Law Revision 2 – Click to download Law Questions- Click to download Law Revision 3 – Click to download Law Revision paper 4A – Click to download Law Supplemantary 1 – Click to Read More …

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KCSE Past Paper 1 Computer Studies 2014

KCSE Past Papers Computer Studies 2013 3.23.1 Computer Studies Paper 1 (451/1) SECTION A (40 marks) Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided. 1 State one function for each of the following elements of a computer system: (a) hardware; (1 mark) Read More …

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