Hindu Religious Education Knec Past Papers

KCSE Past Papers 2017 HRE – Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 (413/1) KCSE Past Papers 2017 HRE – Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 (413/2) KCSE Past Papers 2014 HRE – Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 (413/1) KCSE Past Papers 2014 Read More …

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BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCES This is an information sources that hold descriptive information about a work. This information includes the origin of the work (author, title, imprint etc). They also contain details of non – print media e.g. if it is a Read More …

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DEFINATION OF TERMS INFORMATION Information is an assemblage of recorded data in a comprehensive form both recorded on paper or electronic and capable of communication. (Harold`s Librarian Glossary) RESOURCES This is an available means of support from which an individual Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers IRE 2014 Paper 2 (314/2)

4.11.2 Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 (314/2) l. (a) Benefits of good morals to the Muslim youth. (i) eliminates crime, quarrels and fighting among the youth. (ii) promotes peace and harmony in the society. (iii) enables the youth to be responsible Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers IRE 2013 Paper 2 (314/2)

5.4.2 Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 (314/2) 1. (a) Effects of Sexual perversions on the society:   Moral decadence in the society, because people engage in immoral acts such as Zina which is fulfilling one ’s desires outside the acceptable Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers IRE 2013 Paper 1 (314/1)

KCSE Past Papers IRE 2013 5.4.1 Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 (314/1) l.(a) Challenges of translating the Quran into other languages.   Lack of competency in either of the languages. Lack of competency in translation skills. Inadequate vocabulary equal to the Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers IRE 2014 Paper 1 (314/1)

 Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 (314/2) l. (a) Benefits of good morals to the Muslim youth. (i) eliminates crime, quarrels and fighting among the youth. (ii) promotes peace and harmony in the society. (iii) enables the youth to be responsible members Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers IRE 2014 Paper 1 (314/1)

 Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 (314/ 1) 1. (a) Reasons why the Quran is regarded as the final revelation. (i) It was revealed to the last of all Prophets i.e. Prophet Muhammad last Ummah (Q 33:40). (ii) It’s message is meant Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers 2018 IRE Paper 2 (314/2)

KCSE Past Papers 2018 IRE Paper 2 2018 Islamic Religious Education – Paper 2 1.(a) Disucss the rationale behind the prohibition of gambling in Islam.(8 marks) (i) It can lead to fights, quarrels and even death in the society. (ii) Read More …

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