KCSE Past Papers Woodwork 2011

21.0 WOODWORK (444) 21.1 Woodwork Paper 1 (444/1) 1 (a) SAFETY ATTIRE (i) Apron/overall (ii) Gloves (iii) Goggles (iv) Helmet (v) Boots (Any 4 x 1/2 = 2 marks) (b) UTILIZATION OF WASTE WOOD (i) Fuel (ii) Toys (iii) Ornament Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers Woodwork 2013

5.2 WOODWORK (444) 5.2.1 Woodwork Paper 1 (444/1) 1. (a) Levels of qualifications. – Artisan – Craftsman – Technician – Engineer (b) Factors which determine the appearance of grains. – Methods of cut. – The location of the cut. – Read More …

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CHAPTER ONE Ethics is a branch of philosophy that addresses the concepts of right and wrong or good and evil. … Applied ethics addresses practical, everyday issues. … Professional ethicsprovides us means to solve certain ethical problems related to a certain profession, in Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers Woodwork 2014

4.16 WOODWORK (444) 4.16.1 Woodwork Paper 1 (444/1)   SECTION A 1. (a) Sources of business capital. -Loans from financial institutions. -Personal savings. -Family shares. -Donations from friends. -Pulling resources together. (b) Factors to consider when starting a business. -Market. Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers Woodwork 2011

KCSE Past Papers Woodwork 2011 4.4.1 Woodwork Paper 1 (444/1) SECTION A (40 marks) Answer all the questions in this section 1 (a) List four safety attire required in a workshop.(2 marks) (b) State four ways in which waste wood can be utilized.(2 marks) 2 State four factors Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers Woodwork 2013

Woodwork Paper 1 (444/1) SECTION A (40 marks) Answer all the questions in this section in this spaces provided. 1(a) List two levels of qualifications of Technical Personnel in the woodwork industry. (2 marks) (b) State four factors that determine Read More …

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KCSE Past Papers Woodwork 2014

 Woodwork Paper 1 (444/1) SECTION A (40 marks) Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided. 1 (a) Name four sources of business capital. (2 marks) (b) State four factors to consider when starting a business. (2 Read More …

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