Job Evaluation

Remuneration Package Introduction Compensation and pay are not synonymous terms. Compensation or remuneration refers to all the extrinsic rewards employees receive in exchange for their work. Pay refers only to the actual shilling, dollar, pound that employees receive in exchange Read More …

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POWER INTRODUCTION Power means the capacity of individuals to overcome resistance on the part of others, to exert their will and to produce results, consistent with their interests and objectives (Dahl 1957). Definitions “Powers is the capacity to change the Read More …

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Remuneration Package

Remuneration Package Introduction Compensation and pay are not synonymous terms. Compensation or remuneration refers to all the extrinsic rewards employees receive in exchange for their work. Pay refers only to the actual shilling, dollar, pound that employees receive in exchange Read More …

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INTRODUCTION People at all levels of the enterprise must constantly make decision and solve problems. Decision making and problem solving are important parts of a manager job. Decision may be of nature: How profit should be invested Which employee should Read More …

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Performance Appraisal

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Performance appraisal is a process concerned with determining how well employees are doing their jobs, communicating that information to the employees and establishing a plan for performance improvement. Appraisal is the judgment of an employee’s performance in a Read More …

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Performance management

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Definition This means the integration of employee development with results based assessment. It encompasses performance appraisal, objective setting for individuals and departments, appropriate training programmes and performance related pay. Performance management emphasis development and the initiation of self-managed Read More …

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INTRODUCTION TO GROUPS Definitions A group is defined as two or more individuals , interacting and interdependent who have come together to achieve particular objectives Groups are classified into two categories Formal groups Informal groups Formal groups Formal groups are Read More …

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Reward Policy Areas

Reward Policy Areas The main areas in which reward policies need to be formulated are: The relationship between rewards and business performances Flexibility The level of the rewards Market rates Equity Performance related rewards Pay structures Delegation and control Balancing Read More …

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JOB DESIGN At the end of this topic, the trainee should be able to: Explain the meaning of job design. Identify the factors affecting job design. Evaluate techniques of designing jobs. Analyse methods of job enrichment. Evaluate methods of achieving Read More …

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ORGANIZATION CULTURE Introduction Culture is shared meaning, understanding and sense making .Culture sums up the dominant values visions, perspectives ,standards and models of behaviour that are in organizations. The shared beliefs, values and expectations held by individual also constitute organization Read More …

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