Recommended Procedures for Compliance

Recommended Procedures for Compliance Factual Presentations Members and candidates can prevent unintentional misrepresentations of their qualifications or the services they or their firms provide if each member and candidate understands the limit of the firm’s or individual’s capabilities and the Read More …

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Elasticity of Demand

It can be defined as the ratio of the relative change of a dependent variable to changes in another independent variable. Elasticity can be analyzed in terms of demand and supply. It can also be defined as a measure of Read More …

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Price Control

This refers to a deliberate action by the government to artificially impose through legislation the prices of certain goods and services. Such imposed prices are referred to as flat prices. These flat prices may be a maximum or a minimum Read More …

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The Concept of Equilibrium in Economics

Equilibrium in economics refers to a situation in which the forces determine the behavior of variables are in balance and therefore exert no pressure on these variables to change. In equilibrium the actions of all economic agents are mutually consistent. Read More …

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Definition of Supply

Individual supply refers to the quantity of a given commodity that a producer is willing and able to sell at a given price over a specific time period. Market supply refers to horizontal summation of individuals producers/firms supply in the Read More …

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Definition of Demand

Demand refers to the quantity of a commodity that consumers are willing and able to purchase at any given price over a given period of time. It is important to realize that demand is not the same thing as want, Read More …

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Economic Systems

These refer to the way in which different societies solve the three different basic economic problems which are: Which goods should be produced and in what quantities? How should various goods and services be produced? How should various goods and Read More …

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The Methodology of Economics

A useful insight into the methodology applied in economics can be gained by distinguishing between positive and normative economics. This enables one to appreciate the limitations and scope of economics. Positive economics is concerned with what is, or how the Read More …

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Why Study Economics?

It is useful to study economics for the following reasons Economics provides the underlying principles of optimal resource allocation and thus enables individuals and firms to make economically rational decisions. Thus for example the preparation of budgets involves knowledge of Read More …

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Scope of Economics

The main branches of economics are: Microeconomics which is the study of the smallest economic decisions making units of the society. Microeconomics theory is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individual decision making units such as consumers, Read More …

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