KCSE Past Paper 2 Computer Studies 2013

Computer Studies Paper 2 (451/2) 1 a (i) Creating a database named PATIENTSINFO Caps Table 1 ii) Creating and naming the table (Patients) 1 mark Creating and naming fields (underscored or joined or spaced) 4 fields Table 2 Creating and Read More …

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KCSE Past Paper 1 Computer Studies 2013

KCSE Past Papers Computer Studies 2013 5.9.1 Computer Studies Paper 1 (451/1) 1. (a) CAD – Computer aided design. (b) DVD – Digital video disk digital versatile disk. (c) WORM – Write once read many. (d) POS – Point of Read More …

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Data Capture Data capture refers to the Input of data, not as a direct result of data entry but as a result of performing a different but related activity eg Barcode reader equipped supermarket checkout counters, for example, capture inventory Read More …

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