Methods to avoid redundancy

Calling in outsourced work. Withdrawing all subcontracted labour. Reducing or eliminating overtime. Developing work sharing. Two people doing one job on alternative days or splitting the work between them. Reducing the number of part-timers. Temporary layoffs.

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Handling redundancy

The first step is to ensure that the redundancy selection policy has been applied fairly. It is also important to make certain that loyal requirements for consultation have been met. The information to be presented at any consultative meetings will Read More …

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Redundancy Procedure in HRM

When redundancy becomes the only option, the problems normally associated with it will be reduced if there is an established procedure to follow. The procedure should have three options: To treat employees as fairly as possible. To reduce hardship as Read More …

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Strategies for Managing Health and Safety at Work

1)         Design of safe and health systems of work. 2)         Exhibiting strong management commitment. 3)         Inspect the workplace for health and safety hazards. 4)         Establish procedures and controls for dealing with health and safety issues. 5)         Promote safe working behaviors. Read More …

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Economic costs associated with workplace injuries.

In considering the economics of an unhealthy and unsafe workplace, it is necessary to identify the costs that fall upon organizations that are not keen to manage health and safety. The economic costs of work related accidents would include: 1)         Read More …

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HRM activities connected to health and safety

A number of core hr functions are directly linked to occupational health and safety. They include; Health and safety consideration and policy can affect the selection process in two ways: 1.Recruitment and selection During the recruitment process, potential applicants are Read More …

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Introduction to safety and health at work. Concerned with identification and control of hazards associated with the physical workplace environment. Workplace hazards can range technological, physical, chemical agents and psychological. The course is a direct response to the recognition that Read More …

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Factors affecting Job Satisfaction

A wide range of both internal and external factors affect an employee’s level of job satisfaction. Such factors include:- Work Place Support This refers to policies and actions such as flexible schedules that make employees feel supported by the organization. Read More …

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