Possible difficulties with performance

Subjectivity/Assessment errors Potential errors include: – Leniency, Central Tendency, Recency and Halo effect.  Leniency This occurs when a manger’s ratings are grouped at the positive edge instead of being spread throughout the performance scale. All employees get a positive performance Read More …

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Types of Performance Criteria

A distinction can be made between input and output based criteria. Input based criteria relateses to the personal traits, competences and skills that an employee brings to a company or a job. Output based criteria are co-owned with individual performance Read More …

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Performance Appraisal/ Perfomance management systems

Performance appraisal is the process of determining and communicating to an employee how he or she is performing on the job and establishing a plan for improvement. Functions/Objectives When properly conducted, performance appraisals lets the employees know how well they Read More …

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Performance management is the strategic and integrated approach to increasing the effectiveness of organizations by improving the performance of people who work in them. Effective performance management ensures that employees and managers understand each other’s expectations and how corporate strategy Read More …

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In order to achieve good results with training and development efforts; the training must consist of an orderly planned sequence of events. The training process is therefore divided into four phases: 1)         Assessment of training needs 2)         Development of training Read More …

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Orientation/Induction training is the first kind of kind of training which is offered to employees after they join the organization. This is the introduction of new employees to the organization, to their work units and to their jobs. An effective Read More …

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Traditionally, Employee development focused on management level employees while line managers received training designed to help them improve skills needed to do their jobs. However, with the increased use of work teams and employees becoming increasingly involved in all aspects Read More …

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After people are hired they must be inducted into the organization and to their jobs. Employees must also have their skills periodically updated and they must learn new skills. Those who have no job experience must be trained to perform Read More …

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Selecting Employees

Selection is the process of choosing from among available applicants the individuals who are most likely to successfully perform a job. The selection process normally entails a series of steps which include:- Completion of application form Preliminary Interview Employment Testing Read More …

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