Sampling inspection – in simplest form, acceptance sampling decisions are based on testing of samples taken from a batch. If the rejection condition is indicated, it is usual to carry out 100% inspection of the batch. in general, acceptance sampling is appropriate

  • Inspection involves destructive testing
  • The costs of accepting a defective item are not prohibitive
  • Materials arrives in large batches
  • It is possible to take a truly random sample
  • It is economically feasible consistently to identify material as acceptable or not.

Inspection by the Inspection Officer – inspection can be done by authorized and qualified persons who can do the job of inspection thoroughly and honestly. An inspecting Officer may be a storekeeper, foreman, mechanical engineer, a plant manager, or any person authorized by the management.

Inspection by a storekeeper – where there is no separate inspection department or where the department deals only with a limited number of materials, the storekeeper may be required to undertake the inspection of goods for quality as well as quantity. He/she is supplied with a copy of purchase order and relevant specifications or samples and suitable equipment necessary for the degree of inspection.

Inspection by technical staff – in some storehouses, inspection may be supplemented or exclusively carried out by suitable technical staff such as the plant engineer or works manager or even foreman.

Inspection by inspection department – the responsibility of the inspection department staff for goods received from suppliers must be clearly defined. Inspectors have authority to accept or reject materials and they are not to inspect all deliveries, items with which they deal must be listed. They have authority to reject or accept materials and if required, Inspection Certificate or Notes are prepared

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