Visual basic 6.0 programming environment

Visual basic 6.0 programming environment

In this task I will explain the environment which visual basic 6.0 uses to make the programming easier for the programmer.
What is Visual Basic?
The word “Visual” refers to the way the Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed.
With some programming languages you have to design the GUI’s by writing lots of code to describe everything about the GUI (for example appearance, location of controls, how to display the controls, etc). But with Visual Basic all you have to do is select the control you want and draw it on the form. This is also known as object orientated programming.
The word basic stands for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code which refers to the coding section of the software. The actual code is very simple to use as it is just a large section of English word to do a certain task.
The Visual Basic 6.0 programming environment.
The Visual Basic environment consists of seven main windows which are listed as follows and explained in fig 1.0
1. Menu Bar
2. Toolbar
3. Toolbox
4. Form window
5. Code window
6. Project window/ explorer
7. Properties window

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