1. Based on legal formulations reports are of two kinds
- Formal Reports
They are prepared in prescribed form and presented accordingly to an established procedure to prescribed authority. - Informal Reports
Usually inform of person to person communication and usually submitted in form of letter or memo.
Formal reports can be divided into two:-
- Statutory reports – They are prepared and presented according to the form and procedure laid down by law. e.g. the directors of a company are required to submit a statutory report to the share holders in annual general meeting.
- Non statutory reports
Are formal reports which are not required under any law. e.g. management may require a departmental head to write a report on a certain issue.
2. Based on number of persons writing a report
- Report by individuals
- Report by committee or sub committee
3 On the basis of nature of reports
- Periodic or routine reports
- Progress reports
- Examination reports
- Recommendation reports
- Statistical reports
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