This is an accurate determination of the present and future needs of manpower in terms of skills, knowledge, competences, numbers and attitudes and formulating strategies to ensure that the human resource objectives are met.
1. Analyze the existing human resource situation.
2. Demand forecasting – This involves estimating the present and future human resource requirements.
3. Supply forecasting. Involves estimating the number of people likely to be available internally and externally.
4. Matching the demand with supply and developing appropriate strategies.
dd = ss – Maintain and retain strategies e.g. motivate the existing employees
dd >ss – Recruit new employees, outsource, pay the current workers overtime, training, hiring in house/temporary staff etc.
dd<ss Fire Retrench Deploy 2 Recruitment
Recruitment; is a major staffing / procurement process. It deals with providing human input to the organization. It makes it possible for the organization to acquire the number and type of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization. Recruitment can therefore be defined as the process of attracting potential job candidates to apply for vacant positions in the organization.
When conducting the recruitment, the management needs to produce the following two documents:
a) Job Description: This summarizes the duties and activities involved in the job together with the relevant factors in the social and physical environment affecting the job.
Contents of a job description
i. Job title
ii. Purpose of the job
iii. Position in the organization – Who reports to the job holder and whom the job holder reports to.
iv. Duties – specific tasks to be performed by the job holder
v. Responsibilities – the obligations of the job holder vi. Physical conditions affecting the job e.g. overtime, dangerous working conditions, excessive traveling etc.
vii. Social conditions i.e. the type of people that the job holder will be dealing with
viii. Key difficulties of the position.
Uses of a job description
i. To provide hiring specifications
ii. To evaluate the performance of the employees
iii. Defining authority
iv. Used in job grading and classification
v. Used for transfers and promotion
b) Person specification: This is a statement of minimum requirements expected of a job holder to be able to perform the job satisfactorily. It is an interpretation of the kind of a person most suitable for the job in terms of professional qualifications, academic attainment, vocational training and experience, age, physical characteristics and disposition/personality.

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