The appraisal interview

The appraisal interview gives a manager the opportunity to discuss a surbodinate’s performance record and to explore areas of possible improvement and growth. It also provides an opportunity to identify the surbodiante’s attitudes feelings more thoroughly and thus to improve communication. Usually the appraisals are conducted once or twice peer year. In smaller organizations, appraisals may be few and far between, but they are important.

The format for the appraisal interview will be determined in large part by the purpose of the interview, the type of appraisal system used, and the organization of the interview form. Most appraisal interviews attempt to give feed back to employees on how well they are performing their jobs, and to make plans for their future development. Interviews should be scheduled far enough in advance to allow the interviewee, as well as the interviewer, to prepare for the discussion.

Areas of emphasis
A major purpose of the appraisal interview is to make plans for improvement; however, it is important to focus the interview’s attention on the future rather than the past. The interviewer should observe the following points:

  • Emphasize strengths on which the employee can build rather than weaknesses to overcome
  • Avoid suggestions about the personal traits to change; instead suggest more acceptable ways of performing.
  • Concentrate on opportunities for growth that exist within the framework of the employee’s present position.
  • Limit plans for growth to a few important items that can be accomplished within a reasonable period of time.

Although fairness issue is a major concern in all the working areas of HRM, it is very important in the appraisal interview. The principles of justice for the basis for HRM practices in hiring, performance appraisal and rewards. There is ample evidence that fairness increases the company’s employee loyalty. The result is satisfied, committed employees who are willing to demonstrate
extra job effort. This leads to positive employee job behaviors even if they are relate only to job description, performance appraisals, or reward programs.

The appraisal interview is perphaps the most important part of the entire performance appraisal process. Unfortunately, the interviewer can become overburden by attempting to discuss too much as the employee’s past performance and future development goals. Dividing the appraisal interview into sessions, one of for the time pressures. Moreover, by separating the interview into two sessions, the interviewer can give each session alos may improve communication between the parties, thereby reducing stress. A good , supporting feedback interview can result in greater employee satisfaction with the appraisal interview.

Another source of ineffective performance is the normally happy employer who suddenly demonstrates negative behaviour. Over a period of several weeks their behavior becomes aggressive and threatening. It could be cause be by medical condition, such as depression, or because the employee has stopped taking prescribed medication. Whatever is causing the behavior change must be unique to that person, although some people are naturally antagonistic or withdrawn. An important consideration is the disturbed employee may cause valuable employees to transfer or leave the company.

Ineffective behavior maybe caused by the work environment. The competitive worl of work with its budget cuts, restructuring and high tech advance are extending the reach of the workplace, overloading many employees. Employees begin to burn out when the negative pressure, conflicts and demands increasingly outweigh the positive of personal acknowlegdement, and successes. Exhausted workers report lower job satisfaction, lower commitment and higher job turnover.

Because highly motivated and committed employees are apt to burn out the company is losing its best people. Companies must increase their acknowledgement and show appreciation to employees doing a good job. these rewards should be distributed fairly to employees because an unfair a location increases negativism.

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