A supervisor is a link between the management and the workers.


1. Must understand the physical organization of the branch or department including the duties, responsibilities, powers and their limitations.
2. Have a working knowledge of staff duties.
3. Be responsible for staff training and development.
4. Should plan ahead by knowing the holidays, policy change e.t.c.
5. Should be disciplined before calling for the workers discipline.
6. Be loyal to superiors, subordinates and the organization (policies).
7. Exercise judgment in all actions by being analytical.
8. Be cost conscious.
9. Communicate effectively with the staff.
10. Lead by example; (do what you have been told others to do).
11. Strive to create good relationship between the staff and other supervisors.

By the end of the topic you should be able:

  • To highlight the qualities of a supervisor
  • To state what are the roles of the supervisor
  • To describe the controlling process
  • To identify the importance of controlling

12. Ensure good service is extended to consumers


1. Training and coaching.
2. Carrying out communication.
3. motivates the staff or workers.
4. Holds meetings and briefings regularly.
5. He is a custodian of the staff and organization rules.
6. Manages time.
7. Sets performance standards to be realized.
8. Makes decisions.
9. Conducts the performance appraisals for the workers.
10. Carries out induction and orientation.
11. Carries out planning.

1. Job oriented supervisor
He is concerned with application of methods and procedures. And any violation is punishable.
2. Work oriented supervisor.
He is concerned with the workers performance and puts emphasis on quality performance.
3. Job and work supervisor
He is concerned with both methods and procedures and quality of worker’s performance.

Definition: It is developing an integrated and orderly pattern of group efforts to realize a common goal.

1. Its a continuous process.
2. It involves an orderly must respond to organizational policies and objectives.
3. Co-coordinating activities must respond to organizational policies and objectives.
4. Co-coordinating approach should be balanced.
5. It should be based on personal contact, mutual co-operation e.t.c.
6. It should aim at morale boosting.

1. The principle of early beginning
It should be started at the earliest possible time when the activities are being performed and not later when they are nearing completion.
2. The principle of direct contact
There should be personal contact between the one co-ordinating and that one who is being co-ordinated so that any arising questions can be answered and fears ironed out.
3. The principle of feedback
This is where information about the effects of co-ordination is received in order to identify the strong points, weaknesses and areas that require improvement.
4. The principle of continuity
This is where the exercise is not stopped but continuous over a period of time.

1. It increases productivity
2. A firm will enjoy the economies of scale.
3. It is a basis of cost reduction.
4. It leads to high profitability levels.
5. It motivates the members of the staff.
6. It reduces high labor turn-over.
7. It enables a firm to survive stiff-competition.

1. Use of commands
This is where orders are given and the follow-up is required to identify disobedient.
2. Use of personal-leadership
This is the ability in one to influence change of behavior in the subordinates where they willingly accept to perform particular tasks.
3. Communication
Co-coordinators can use communication to give instructions on what is to be done.
4. Use of committees
Committees are so important for they help to co-ordinate activities in their areas.
5. Use of special appointees
Special representatives can represent management on following to find whether the objectives are being realized or not.

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