Substitution of staff in implementation of consultancy services

This refers to contracting of staff from other organisations to carry out work which is in the normal on-going business of the firm of a particular department or departments. Staff substitution is necessary when there is insufficient internal staff to undertake the work. E.g. when a technical business employs technical staff through a recruitment agency if any of the key experts becomes unavailable for an extended validity period, the consultant shall provide a written adequate justification and evidence satisfactory to the procuring entity together with the substitution request.

In such a case, a replacement key expert shall have equal or better qualification and experience that of the originally proposed expert.
If the consultant fails to provide a replacement key expert with equal or better qualification or if the provided reason for the replacement or justification are unacceptable to the client, such a proposal will be rejected.

The bigger an organisation is the higher the level of staff substitution is likely to be. A successful consultant shall not be permitted to substitute key staff unless both parties agree that undue delay by the entity in the selection process makes such changes
unavoidable or that such changes are critical to meet the objectives of the assignment except as the procurement entity may otherwise agree. No changes shall be made to key personnel if for any reason, beyond reasonable control of the consultant it becomes necessary to replace any of the personnel, the consultant shall therefore provide as a replacement a person more competitive in the execution of the contract.

If a procuring entity finds that any personnel has committed a serious misconduct or has been charged with having committed a criminal action or has reasonable cause to be dissatisfied with the performance of any of the personnel then the consultant shall at the
procuring entity’s written request specify the grounds thereof provide as a replacement a person with qualifications and experience acceptable to the procuring entity. The consultant shall have no claim for additional costs arising out of or incidental to any
removal or replacement of personnel.

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