- Review the project and its strategic context on a regular and disciplined basis
- Recognize the psychological and social forces that motivate one to ―stay the course‖
- Recognize that there are prevailing beliefs and cultural forces that encourage the commitment of more resources to solve current difficulties and assure that success is just around the corner.
- Define with senior management participation what constitutes both success and failure on the project.
- Listen carefully to the concern of others about the project
- Evaluate the real ability of the project team to listen to and hear bad news
- Ask whether the managers ―bet too much of the farm‖ on the project where a termination would ―break the bank‖ resulting in perception of both organizational and personal failures.
- Determine if the project manager feels that a lot of people will have their futures adversely affected if the project is terminated.
- Step back and evaluate the project from an outsider‘s perspective.
- Encouragement project team members always to provide accurate information
- Consider replacing key members of the project team with new people who can bring a perspective less influenced by the project and past events.
- Build an organizational culture that supports the philosophy that projects are experimental, temporary use of resources to support organizational strategies and require constant surveillance to guard against a project becoming a permanent fixture
in the organization
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