Accounting officer/head of procuring
entity Roles:

1. Ensure the procurement plan is developed and submitted to national treasury.
2. Responsible for the entity‘s overall procurement and disposal process.
3. Has overall responsibility for ensuring procurement funds are spent efficiently with accordance to applicable registration.
4. Establishes all procurement and asset disposal committees within a procuring entity in accordance with the ACT.
5. Ensures procurement of goods, works and services of the public entity are within the approved budget of the entity.
6. Establish a specialized procurement unit staffed by persons competence and adequately trained to manage and execute the procurement proceedings engaged in by the procuring entity.
7. Approve and sign all contracts of the procuring entity.

Head of procurement
unit. Roles:

1. Render professional advice to the accounting officer.
2. Maintain and update lists of registered suppliers, contractors and consultant in the category of goods, works or services according to the procurement needs.
3. Review evaluation report and provide a signed professional opinion to the accounting offer on the procurement or asset disposal proceedings.
4. Prepare monthly progress reports of all procurement contracts of the procurements entity and submit them to the accounting officer.
5. Assist the accounting officer to confirm the right quantity and quality of goods, works, and services delivered to the procuring entity.
6. Arrange for occasional visits of inspection to stores at least quarterly in each calendar year and conduct quarterly and annual inventory and stock-taking to ensure compliance with all respective governing laws and submit the report to the accounting officer.
7. Ensure value for money is achieved.
8. Access procurement competences across the organization.

End User.
Is the division, department who requires the goods, works or services in order for it to undertake operational duties.

1. Adequately define the user‘s needs/requirements (including estimated requirement/quantities specifications)
2. Ensure the requirement takes account of organization policies requirements and aligned against organizations objectives.
3. Ensure compliance with relevant legal obligations relating to goods, works or services to be purchased e.g. environment/health and safety legislation.
4. Contribute to drafting tender specifications.
5. Provide technical/expertise and input to support the bid assessments process.
6. Involved throughout the life cycle of procurement process.

Who is involved in developing the specification?
Users of the procured goods or services should be involved in defining their requirements together with appropriate project officers, technical officers (for example, information technology or medical staff) and procurement officers.

Why is Stakeholder Participation Important?
We need to work with our stakeholders to identify what they think they want, produce something which reflects that understanding, get feedback from our stakeholders, and then update our solution to reflect our improved understanding. The implication is we need to work in a more evolutionary and collaborative manner if we’re to provide solutions which reflect our stakeholders actual needs, and to do that we must work closely and regularly with stakeholders

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