Receiving and Opening of Proposals

The date, time and place for receiving proposals including the manner in which they could be marked and sealed must be clearly stated in the solicitation documents.

It is the bidders’ responsibility to ensure that their offers are submitted at the correct date, time and place. The entity receiving the bids/proposals as stipulated in the solicitation documents must ensure that the packages in which the offers are received are dated and time stamped and placed in a secured area prior to the day of public opening event. The procuring entity should also keep a list of the offers received by name of bidder, date and time the offer was received and the number of packages received for each.

Opening of Proposals
The accounting Officer of a professional entity shall appoint a tender opening committee as follows:

  • The committee shall have at least 3 members.
  • At least one of the members shall not be directly involved in processing and evaluation of the proposals.
  • Any bid or proposal withdrawn in writing shall not be eligible for evaluation or consideration in the regular tender process.
  • Immediately after the deadline for submitting tenders, the tender opening committee shall open all proposals received before that deadline.
  • Those submitting their proposals or their representatives may attend the opening of tenders.
  • The tender opening committee shall assign an identification number to each proposal and record the number of pages received.
  • As each proposal is opened, the following shall be read out and recorded in the tender opening register.
  • No bidder shall be disqualified by procuring entity during opening of the proposals.
  • Each member of tender opening committee shall sign one or more proposals on one or more papers as determined by the tender opening committee.
  • The tender opening committee shall prepare tender opening minutes which shall set out the following:
    A record of the procedure followed in the opening proposal.
    The particulars of those persons submitting proposals or their representatives who attended the opening of the proposals.
  • During the opening the financial proposals are left unopened and are safeguarded.
  • No announcement of prices shall be required at the opening of the technical proposal, where the tender document requires submission of separate technical and financial needs.
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