Project Monitoring and Evaluation


Meaning of Monitoring and Evaluation
Importance of Monitoring and Evaluation
Project Monitoring and Evaluation Process

Meaning of Project Monitoring
Refers to a continuous tracking of a project progress with a view of ensuring efficiency. It is a systematic and continuous collection analysis and interpretation of dates with a view of ensuring that everything is moving on as planned.
Project monitoring is an integral part of day – to- day management. It provides information by which management can identify and solve implementations problemsand access progress.
Monitoring also involves giving feedback about the progress of the project to the donor –implementation and beneficiaries of the project enables gathering information used in making decision for improving project performance .the dates acquired through monitoring is used for evaluation .
Monitoring usually focuses on process such as when and where activities occur, who delivers them and how and how many people or entities they reach.
Monitoring is conducted after a program has begun and continuous throughout the program implementation period.
Monitoring clarifies program objectives and their resources to objectives; translates objectives into performance indicators and sets a target. Routinely collects data on this indicators, compares actual results with targets.
Monitoring gives information on where a policy, program or project at any given time (or over time) relative to respective targets and outcomes ,monitoring focuses in
Meaning of Project Evaluation
Project evaluation is the process of determining the extent to which objectives have been achieved
 It’s a set of procedures to appraise a projects merits and information about its goals .objectives activities outcomes and input
 Project evaluation is a systematic and objective assessment of an ongoing or completed project .the purpose of carrying out evaluation is to determine relevance and level of achievement of project objectives , develop efficiency effectiveness impact and sustainability
 An evaluation can be done during implementation at its end or afterward
The main purposes for carrying out Monitoring and Evaluation include;
 Ensuring that planned results are achieved,
 Supporting and improving project management,
 Generating shared understanding,
 Generating new knowledge and support learning,
 Building capacities of those involved,
 Motivating stakeholders and
 Fostering public and political support
The following benefits accrue from monitoring:
 Improved performance of all activities through timely feedback to stakeholders
 Means of ensuring that performance takes place in accordance with work-plans
 Improved coordination and communication through readily available
 Provision of greater transparency expected by all stakeholders
 Improved awareness about programme activities among all stakeholders
 Enhanced external/Governments support due to accurate and timely reporting
on use of funds
 Confirmation of whether the project addresses the needs of special groups like
the poor, disabled, children etc.
 Assessment of whether the project is on track in meeting the programme goals
 Informed contribution to future programme designs
 Help make decisions and recommendations about future directions
 Identify the strengths and weaknesses of a project
 Feed data back to support programs and policies
 Assess and determine stakeholder and target group satisfaction
 Determine whether the project is meeting its objectives
 Meet demands for accountability to funding bodies
 Develop the skills and understanding of people involved in a project
 Promote a project to the wider community.
Steps in Project Monitoring
1. Conducting a readiness assessment
How monitoring will support attainment of objectives, Reaction to results
2. Agreeing on what to monitor Stakeholder identification and involvement
Identify stakeholder’s major concerns
Disaggregate data to capture key desired outcomes (gender age economic status, rural,urban)
3. Selecting the key performance indicators to monitor outcomes -translate outcomes to a set of measurable performance indicators
 Indicators are signs that show changes in certain conditions, an indicator is simply a measurement which are compared over time in order to assess change.
4. Setting baselines and collecting data on the indicators Baseline is info before the monitoring period (critical measurement of indicator)
Identify the sources of data, collection methods, who to collect, frequency, cost, reporting and use
5. Select result targets
Consider baseline indicator level, set the desired level of improvement spread over specified time
6. Decide on the method of monitoring to use Activity based-activity implemented on schedule Result based –focuses on impact
7. Monitor the project
Mechanisms include:
-use of a filling system to organize all communications ,reports ,minutes of meetings and any other that can be used to keep track of project activities
-use of document logs like activity logs to track events and progress of the project
activities and contact logs to record the time and details of contacts
-tracking software for project documents or recording websites and other
technology related activities
8. Document and disseminate results
Steps in Evaluation
Phase A: Planning the Monitoring and Evaluation
 Determine the purpose of the evaluation.
 Decide on type of evaluation.
 Decide on who conducts evaluation (evaluation team)
 Review existing information in programme documents including monitoring information.
 List the relevant information source
 Describe the programme.
Phase B: Selecting Appropriate Monitoring and Evaluation Tools and Methods
 Identify evaluation goals and objectives.
 Formulate evaluation questions and sub-questions
 Decide on the appropriate evaluation design
 Identify measurement standards
 Identify measurement indicators
 Develop an evaluation schedule
Develop a budget for the evaluation.
Phase C: Collecting and Analyzing Information
• Develop data collection instruments
• Pre-test data collection instruments
• Undertake data collection activities
• Analyze data
• Interpret the data
Phase D: Reporting Findings
• Write the evaluation report.
• Decide on the method of sharing the evaluation results and on communication strategies.
• Share the draft report with stakeholders and revise as needed to be followed by follow up.
• Disseminate evaluation report.
Phase E: Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation Recommendations
• Develop a new/revised implementation plan in partnership with stakeholders.
• Monitor the implementation of evaluation recommendations and report regularly on the implementation progress.
• Plan the next evaluation

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