Meaning of Evaluation
Purpose of Evaluation
Types of Evaluation
Steps in Evaluation
Key Project Evaluation Criteria
 Project evaluation is the process of determining the extent to which objectives have been achieved
 It’s a set of procedures to appraise a projects merits and information about its goals .objectives activities outcomes and input
 Project evaluation is a systematic and objective assessment of an ongoing or completed project .the purpose of carrying out evaluation is to determine relevance and level of achievement of project objectives , develop efficiency effectiveness impact and sustainability
 An evaluation can be done during implementation at its end or afterwards
 To determine efficiency of a project
 To access effectiveness of the project
 To measure sustainability of the project
 To determine relevance of a project
 To measure the impact of an intervention or project
This gives the scope of evaluation. It’s the criteria that a project team uses when undertaking an evaluation exercise. The following are addressed
1. Efficiency-
This is the measure of the relationship between input and output
The evaluation involves assessing whether the stocks of items available on time and in the right qualities and quantities
It also assessed weather the activities were implemented on schedule and within budget
2. Effectiveness
It is the measure of the relationship between project output and objective .its the extent to which the development intervention techniques are achieved The evaluation involves determining whether the project leads to the intended outcome
3. Relevance
It measures the relationship between project output to the needs that were identified .it investigates the extent to which outputs of a project have met the needs or beneficiaries.
4. Sustainability
It estimates the extent to which the project will continue after external findings has terminated Determines whether the benefits are likely to be maintained for an extended period after the assistance ends
5. Impact
Assesses the changes the intervention brought and whether the changes were planned
up or unplanned intended or un-intended
 Needs assessment / ex-anti evaluation/ baseline survey
 Formative/ ongoing evaluation
 Summative / final evaluation
 Impact evaluation
A. Needs Assessment / Ex-Ante Evaluation /Baseline Survey
 This is carried out before project implementation
 Its about gathering the baseline information
 helps in addressing
 what the project sets out to achieve
 what the objectives of the project are
 who the beneficiaries are and how they relate to the intended objectives
 what proposed approaches or alternative method of achieving project objectives
 what the planned activities are
Primary users of the project are: donors, Implementer agencies, beneficiaries communities, researchers and institution of higher learning
B. Formative / On-Going Evaluation
 It can be done at any the during the implementation period of the project
 It accesses the ongoing project activities and then provides information to monitor and improve the project
 It enables the implementer personnel to check on different aspects of the project and their effects as well as detect problems or shortcomings in good time to make necessary changes
Components of Formative Evaluation
Implementation evaluation
Its main purpose is to access whether the project is being conducted as planned .its also called process evaluation and occurs several times during the project implementation period
Progressive evaluation
It accesses the progress of the project in relation to achieving the goals .Information is collected to determine impact of activities/ strategies on beneficiaries
The users of the report are;
Donors, Project management team, Target group
C. Summative /Final Evaluation
 This is done at the end of the project implementation
 It is used to examine the projects effectiveness in achieving its objectives and its contribution to the development of the area
 Final evaluation is concerned with all aspects of a project
 The main purpose is to find out ;
1. The extent the project activities and strategies correspond to those stated in the plan
2. Whether the activities are carried out by the right personnel
3. To what extent the project is moving towards the anticipated goals and objectives
4. Which of the projects activities and strategies are the most effective?
5. What barriers have been identified and how they can be dealt with
6. What the main strengths and weaknesses of the project are
7.To what extend are the project beneficiaries active in decision making
8. To what extent the project beneficiaries are satisfied with the project
9. The results and effects of the intervention
10. Lessons that can be learnt
Users of Summative Evaluation Report Are;
 Donors
 Government
 Target groups
 External evaluations
 Internal evaluations
 Project staff
 Beneficiary communities
Impact Evaluation
 It is done 1-10 years after project implementation
 It is main purpose is to establish sustainability of the results of the projects
 It is used to ensure direct and indirect changes and draw lessons from the project
Main users of the report are;
Evaluation Involves:
A. Measuring
Evaluations will 1
st measure what has been done in relation to what should have been done. If the evaluating agency is observing the work continuously the
performance evaluation is to be done
B. Reviewing
The purpose of the review is basically participate problem solving. It’s also keeps the implementing team informed and alerted that their performance is closely checked
C. Reporting
All information related or collected during evaluation must be presented inform of a report that is represented to respective bodies i.e the donor agency
D. Deciding and taking corrective measures
This involves determining the cause of action possible to deviate from an undesired cause of action if any
Phase A: Planning the Evaluation
 Determine the purpose of the evaluation.
 Decide on type of evaluation.
 Decide on who conducts evaluation (evaluation team)
 Review existing information in programme documents including monitoring
 List the relevant information source
 Describe the programme.
Phase B: Selecting Appropriate Evaluation Methods
 Identify evaluation goals and objectives.
 Formulate evaluation questions and sub-questions
 Decide on the appropriate evaluation design
 Identify measurement standards
 Identify measurement indicators
 Develop an evaluation schedule
Develop a budget for the evaluation.
Phase C: Collecting and Analyzing Information
• Develop data collection instruments
• Pre-test data collection instruments
• Undertake data collection activities
• Analyze data
• Interpret the data
Phase D: Reporting Findings
• Write the evaluation report.
• Decide on the method of sharing the evaluation results and on communication strategies.
• Share the draft report with stakeholders and revise as needed to be followed by follow up.
• Disseminate evaluation report.
Phase E: Implementing Evaluation Recommendations
• Develop a new/revised implementation plan in partnership with stakeholders.
• Monitor the implementation of evaluation recommendations and report regularly on the implementation progress.
• Plan the next evaluation
Challenges Faced During Evaluation
 Lack of skill and knowledge
 Lack of 1st hand information and knowledge especially for external evaluation
 Inadequate financial resources
 It is expensive with concern to external evaluation
 Lack of personal commitment to the project

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