1. “A good speaker is lively, interested enthusiastic and vital.” He treats his audience as a group of living people. He is keenly interested in the subject he is speaking about and takes pain to make the audience equally interested in it.
2. “A good speaker is earnest”
3. He does not speak just for the sake of speaking – in order to show off, to impress the audience with his erudition or his authority.
4. “A good speaker has a sense of responsibility to others on the program” He does not take more time than what is allotted to him.
5. “A good speaker has a sense of responsibility to his subject” He does not bite more than he can chew. He does not spread it thin.
6. “ A good speaker has a sense of leadership; he stands up tall, he talks eye to eye , he speaks responsibly and with authority as a leader should’
7. “ A good speaker keeps his head” He is not get carried off by his over- enthusiasm or over-confidence.
8. “ A good speaker tries to be balanced and sane”
9. “ A good speaker keeps his sense of humour”
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