Procurement function

This refers to a section involved in procurement planning follows procurement usage and involved in the procurement proposal.
It can also be referred to a division within a procuring entity, staffed with procurement professionals who are officially concerned with managing the procurement and asset disposals process and reports directly to the head of the procurement office both functionally
and administratively.

Procurement functions are handled by procurement professionals whose qualifications are recognized in Kenya. The head of procurement function is among other functions responsible for rendering procurement professional advice to the accounting officer.

Roles of the Procurement function

  1. Maintain and continually update standing lists of registered suppliers required by the procuring entity
  2. Liaise with the authority in respect of the authorities’ register of procuring agents.
  3. Prepare tender and asset disposal documents to facilitate fair competition.
  4. Prepare publish and distribute procurement and disposal opportunities including invitation to tender, request for invitation of proposals.
  5. Prequalification documents and invitations for request of interest.
  6. Coordinate the receiving and opening of tender documents.
  7. Submit shortlists list of prequalified tenders to the accounting officer to approve.
  8. Propose the membership of evaluation committee to the accounting officer for consideration and appointment.
  9. Coordinate the evaluation of tenders, quotations and evaluations.
  10. Recommend for consideration, the negotiation of a procurement by the evaluation committee where negotiations are around and participate in the negotiation.
  11. Prepare and publish tender awards
  12. Prepare and issue debriefing letters.
  13. Prepare consolidated procurement and asset disposal plans.
  14. Implement the decisions of the accounting officer including disposal committee and coordinating all procurement activities.
  15. Liaise with the national treasury or relevant county treasurer on matters relevant to the procurement and asset disposal.
  16. Monitor contract management by user department to ensure implementation of contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and report any departments from such conditions to the accounting officer.
  17. Advice in aggregation of procurement. (Economies of scale)
  18. Conduct periodic and annual stock taking.
  19. Recommend extension of the tender validity period.
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