Project manager

Is sometimes referred to as promoter’s manager or project director, is a specialised adviser that represent the client and is responsible for the day to day management of a project. If a project manager is appointed, the function is most effectively when they operate as if
they were part of a client organization or a procurement entity.

They are not part of the consultant team, they should be able to issue instructions and review progress as if they were the client.
During the briefing process, the project manager should allow the consultant team direct access to the client and user panels without interference. Experienced clients may have their own in house project managers.

Characteristics of an effective Project Manager
1. An ability to solve problems with intellectual vigour.
2. Energy coupled with the ability to inspire others.
3. Confident leadership and communication skills.
4. Capability of seeing the whole picture.
5. Good negotiation skills.

Roles of Project Manager
The project manager is accountable for ensuring that everyone on the team knows and executes his/her role. Feels empowered and supported in the role, knows the role of the other team members and acts upon the belief that those roles will be performed.
The specific responsibility of the project manager may vary according to the company size, maturity and culture. However, there are some responsibilities that are common to all project managers:

  • Developing the project plan: This refers to a formal approved document used to guide both project execution and project control. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among project stakeholders and document approved scope, cost and schedule.
  • Managing the project stakeholders: Project stakeholders is an individual, group or organization who may be affected by or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision, activity or outcome of a project.
  • Managing communication: It is a systematic planning, implementing and monitoring and revision of all the channels of communication within an organization or between organizations. Aspects of communication management include developing corporate communication strategies, designing internal and external directions and managing the flow of information including online information.
  • Managing the project team: A team is an independent collection of individuals who work together towards a common goal and who share responsibility for specific outcomes of the organization. A project team is one whose members usually belong to different groups, functions and are assigned two activities for the same project. Usually project teams are only used for a defined period of time and disbanded after project completion.
  • Managing the project risk: Project risk is an important aspect of project management. Risk management is one of the most important knowledge areas in which the project manager must be competent.
  • Managing the project schedule: A schedule is a listing of projects, milestones, activities and deliverables usually with intended start and finish dates.
  • Managing the project budget.
  • Managing the project conflict.
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