MONDAY: 5 December 2022. Morning Paper. Time Allowed: 3 hours.
Answer any FIVE questions. ALL questions carry equal marks. Do NOT write anything on this paper.
1. Highlight FOUR roles of the executory level of management. (4 marks)
2. In the year 1959, two American sociologists Bertram Raven and John French categorised organisational power
into five sources.
Explain THREE of these sources. (6 marks)
3. XYZ limited has recently adopted an agile organisational structure.
Explain FIVE features of this structure. (10 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
1. Identify SIX circumstances where a managing director could apply autocratic leadership in an organisation. (6 marks)
2. Explain THREE types of information that managers require at different levels of management. (6 marks)
3. Some organisations prefer recruiting employees from outside the organisation.
Analyse FOUR drawbacks associated with this source of recruitment. (8 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
1. List FOUR constraints that may hinder the completion of a project. (4 marks)
2. Examine THREE benefits of social media marketing strategy. (6 marks)
3. Explain FIVE strategies that managers could use to promote innovation in an organisation. (10 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
1. Management can be classified as an art or a science.
Outline FOUR features that make it an art. (4 marks)
2. Identify SIX advantages that a company could derive by conducting interviews online. (6 marks)
3. Explain FIVE shortcomings of bureaucracy in management. (10 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
1. Summarise THREE features of a control system. (6 marks)
2. Explain THREE benefits of entrepreneurship in your country. (6 marks)
3. Describe FOUR types of organisational change. (8 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
1. List FIVE challenges facing management in the 21st Century. (5 marks)
2. Highlight FIVE arguments against rational decision making. (5 marks)
3. Evaluate FIVE benefits that could accrue to an organisation as a result of planning. (10 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)
1. Outline FOUR benefits of promoting employees internally in an organisation. (4 marks)
2. Explain the THREE motivators in McClelland’s acquired needs theory. (6 marks)
3. Describe FIVE internal drivers that might bring change in an organisation. (10 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)