Introduction to safety and health at work.

Concerned with identification and control of hazards associated with the physical workplace environment. Workplace hazards can range technological, physical, chemical agents and psychological.

The course is a direct response to the recognition that many deaths, injuries and  illnesses occur because of safety violations, poor equipment design, negligence, and the presence of factors which lead to occupational maladjustment

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of diseases.

The managers of today are increasingly finding themselves engaged in one of society’s greatest challenges i.e. the design and maintenance of a work organization that is both effective in meeting business objectives as well as healthy and safe for its employees.

Until recently, the attitude of managers and employees towards accidents and safety was not seen to promote a healthy or safe work place.

Work place health and safety is an under researched area of HRM and it is not until recently that a significant shift of mood has been witnessed towards the subject

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