LAW OF PROPERTY Question and Answer


With reference to property law:
(i) Explain the term “Servitudes”.
(ii) Discuss the essential characteristics of an easement.



(i) Servitudes

These are rights in alieno solo i.e. rights conferring a power over another person’s estate for the benefit of the right holder or of his estate.

     (ii)   Characteristics of easements

  • Can be created by grant or statute.
  • Cannot be revoked at the will of grantor if created by statute.
  • They confer a right on another’s land.
  • There must be a dominant and servient tenement.
  • The easement must accommodate the dorminant tenement.
  • The dorminant and servient tenements must be owned or occupied by different persons.
  • The easement must be capable of forming the subject matter of the grant e.g. there must be a capable grantor or grantee.
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