KCSE Past Papers 2018 Home Science Paper 1 (441/1)

Questions and Answers

Home Science Paper 1 (441/1)

1. Signs of symptoms of food poisoning


  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Fever Diarrhoea
  • Dizziness2. Definition of term nutrients

    Elements found in foods which when absorbed into the body promote growth, maintenance and repair of the body tissues as well as boosting immunity against illnesses.

    3. Functions of raw garnishes in the presentation of meals

    (i) Gives fresh colour making the meal colourful.

    (ii) Gives fresh flavour making the meal tastier.

    (iii) Makes the food more attractive/appealing.

    (iv) Provides vitamin C.

    4. Characteristics of foods that have been overcooked through prolonged boiling.

    (i) The foods tend to lose their flavor/taste.

    (ii) Some food nutrients are destroyed.

    (iii) Foods lose their shape/form.

    (iv) Foods may change their colour.

    (v) Foods change their texture, thus becoming mashy and soggy.

    5. Difference between meal planning and meal management.

    Meal planning involves deciding what is to be eaten by individuals in order to meet their nutritional requirements while meal management involves acquiring ingredients, preparing, cooking and serving the food.

    6. Water borne diseases are:

    (i) Bilharzia

    (ii) Amoebic Dysentery

    (iii) Typhoid

    (iv) Cholera

    7. Ways of sterilising a baby’s feeding equipment.

    (i) Boiling

    (ii) Using sterilising solutions.

    (iii) Using an electric sterilizer

    (iv) Using a microwave

    8. Meaning of ante-natal care.

    It is the care given to an expectant mother from the time of conception to the time of delivery.

    9. Benefit of increasing iron rich foods in a mother’s diet. It replaces the amount of blood lost during delivery and also during menstrual period.

    To boost the blood levels used up in the formation of the foetus during pregnancy. To prevent anaemia

    10. Advantages of a well lit room.

    (i) It reduces fatigue.

    (ii) It enhances clear visibility/reduces eye strain.

    (iii) It enhances interior decoration.

    (iv) For efficiency.

    (v) Discourages breeding of pests

    11. Limitations of burning as a method of refuse disposal.

    (i) Emission of smoke during burning causes air pollution.

    (ii) Not all refuse can be burned.

    (iii) If the refuse is not sorted out properly, some may cause explosion or injuries.

    (iv) Building incinerators may by expensive.

    12. Difference between loose and fixed dirt.

    Loose dirt is composed of very small, light, organic or inorganic particles which are carried from place to place by air or wind and can be easily removed while fixed dirt is organic or inorganic particles that have stuck to the surface or article and is difficult to remove.

    13. Benefit of consumer protection.

    The consumer is safeguarded from exploitation by producers, traders and even other consumers. He/she is thus able to get goods and services that are of good quality, correct quantities and at fair prices.

    14. Disadvantages of buying goods by hire purchase.

    (i) Final cost of items is high.

    (ii) May lead to overspending/impulse buying/debts

    (iii) An item that is not durable may wear out before the final payment is made.

    (iv) Discounts are mot given.

    15. Purposes of steeping a soiled handkerchief in cold salty water.

    (i) To dissolve/loosen the mucus and thus make it easier to clean the handkerchief.

    (ii) To disinfect the handkerchief.

    16. Meaning of laundry processes.

    Refers to the activities which clothes and articles undergo from the time they are brought dirty to the time they are clean and ready for use.

    17. Layers formed in construction of pleats.

    (i) Surface (top).

    (ii) Underfold (fold back)

    (iii) Base (resting place)

    18. Functions of the following pattern markings.

    (a) Notch

    To match different pieces of fabric together before stitching.

    (b) Dart

    – To shape garments.

    – To control fullness in garments.

    19. Preparations done on a fabric before cutting out.

    (i) Pre-shrinking.

    (ii) Graining

    (iii) Ironing

    (iv) Transferring pattern markings

    20. Reasons why cotton fabric is popularly used for table linen. It;

    (i) Is strong and can withstand frequent washing.

    (ii) Takes in starch easily.

    (iii) Withstands high temperatures

    (iv) Comes in a variety of colours

    (v) Is easy to care for.

    21. Difference between conspicuous and inconspicuous seams.

    Conspicuous seams are used to join two pieces of fabrics together with the stitches showing on the right (RS) of garment to give a decorative effect while inconspicuous seams are used to join two pieces of fabric together without the stitches showing on the right side (RS) of the garment.

    22. (a) Procedure for thorough cleaning white canvas shoes without shoes laces.

    Protect the work surface (U›).

    Scrub (U›) the inside (U2) and outside (U) of the shoes with cold soapy water (k2) using a scrubbing brush (U›).

    – Rinse thoroughly (U ) in warm (/) water.

    – Final rinse (U) in cold (U) water.

    Remove excess water (Ui).

    – Use a sponge/piece of cloth (k2) to apply whitener (Us).

    Dry (U›) in a warm place (Ui) slightly inclined (U2).

    – Turn to ensure all parts are dry (U).

    Store appropriate /).

    (b) Procedure for washing and starching a nurse’s cap using boiling water starch.

    Soak (Ua) the cap in cold water (/›).

    Wash in hot (U) soapy water (U) using friction (fi) method. Rinse in warm water (Uc).

    Final rinse in cold water (U) squeeze out excess water (U›).

    Use cold water (U›) and starch powder (U) to make a smooth paste (U›) in a clean container (Us).

    Gradually add boiling water (Ui) to the paste, stirring vigorously (F) to obtain a clear (U) solution.

    Add equal amount of cold water (U).

    Immerse (U) the cap in the starch solution and allow it to absorb (?s) the starch.

    Squeeze out excess starch (U2). Dry the cap in the sun (U,).

    Iron with a hot iron (U›). Store appropriately (U).

    23. (a) Forms of advertisement.

    (i) Print media advertising

    This is a form of advertising that uses printed publications/ materials such as newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, billboards and posters.

    (ii) Electronic media advertising

    This is a form of advertising that is created, distributed and accessed using electronics such as radio, television, films and video.

    (iii) Person to person/word of mouth

    This is a form of advertising where consumers are informed about existence of a product or service and they are also shown how to use and care for the product. It involves demonstrations and exhibitions.

    (iv) Celebrity advertising

    This is using a famous person’s image to sell products or services by focusing on the person’s money, popularity or fame to promote the products or services.


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