KCSE Past Papers 2016 CRE Paper 1 (313/1)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

2016 Christian religious Education (CRE) Paper 1

1. (a) Name eight historical books in the Old Testament. (8 marks)

(b) Outline the reasons why the Bible is referred to as a Library. (7 marks)>

(c) Give five occasions when Christians use the Bible. (5 marks)

2. (a) Narrate Abraham’s attempt to sacrifice his son Isaac. (Genesis 22:1-19) (6 marks)

(b) What are the differences between the Jewish and Traditional African practices of circumcision? (8 marks)

(c) Give six ways through which Christians portray themselves in society today. (6 marks)

3. (a) Explain six ways used by King David to promote the worship of Yahweh in Israel. (12 marks)

(b) Discuss four life skills used by prophet Elijah to fight against false religion in Israel. (8 marks)

4. (a) Describe three groups of true prophets in the Old Testament. (6 marks)

(b) Give six similarities between the Traditional African prophets and the true prophets in the Old Testament. (6 marks)

(c) Identify eight problems experienced by church leaders in their work. (8 marks)

5. (a) Describe the meaning of the symbolic act of buying land by the Prophet Jeremiah. (8 marks)

(b) Explain the challenges faced by the Prophet Jeremiah during his ministry. (7 marks)

(c) Give five ways through which Christians settle disagreements among themselves. (5 marks)

6. (a) Explain the significance of rituals conducted during the naming ceremonies in Traditional African Communities. (10 marks).

(b) Which moral values were acquired during marriage in Traditional African Communities (5 marks)

(c) Give reasons why Traditional African Communities feared death. (5 marks)

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