KCSE 2014 Agriculture 2014 past Paper 2

4.15.2 Agriculture Paper 2 (443/2)

SECTION A (30 marks)

1 . Wool;


2 x ½

2. Place salt on tongue;

Pour cold water on head and chest to activate the nerves;

Clear the mucus from the nostrils;

Hold upside down using hind legs and swing the calf.

Smack the ribs.

2 X ½

3. (a) One that requires two hosts to complete its life cycle.

(b) Red legged tick/Rhipicephalus everts;

Brown tick/Rhipicephalus bursa;

African bont-legged tick/Hyalomma truncatum;

The large bont-legged tick/Hyalomma rufipes;

2 x ½

4. High initial construction cost (high capital);

Dangerous for young and pregnant animals and the sick;

Requires a lot of water;

Poisoning by swallowed dip wash;

4 x ½

5. (a) (i) Cutting PVC pipes;

(ii) Wire strainer – to tighten wires during fencing;

(b) Cross-cut saw;

Spoke shave;

Wood rasp;

Mallet (to drive in wood and for hammering wood);

4 x ½

(c) (i) Canular

(ii) Bit

6. Vaginitis eg. Bovine Trichomoniasis.

Brucellosis (contagious abortion/Bang’s disease


2 x 1/2

7. Acaricide resistance

High Cost of acaricide

Communal rearing practices

Lack of skills and knowledge in control of external parasite. Some are highly mobile/high mobility eg tsetse flies.

3 X ½

8.Long body

Black in colour

Drooping ears

Is hardy;

4 x ½

9.Chick mash;

Growers mash;

Layers mash;

Broiler staner;

Broiler follow-on;

Broiler finisher;

4 x ½


Oral (through the mouth)

Nasal (through nose)

Occular (through the eye)


4 x ½

ll.(a) ECF/Theileriosis

Anaplasmosis/Gall stones



Red Water/Babesiosis

3 x ½

(b) Fever

Starring coat

Discharges in the mouth and nose

Watery eyes/lacrimation

Diarrhoea and dysentry

Red mucal membranes With ulcers

Tooth grinding



Loss of appetite/anorexia

4 x ½

12. Unblocking blocked nozzles

Replacing water in the tank

Tightening loose nuts/bolts

Repairing damaged floor

Sump should be cleaned regularly by removing all the sediments

Broken rails should be replaced

4 x ½

13. (a) Increase production

Protection against diseases



Increase quality of products.

4 x ½


(b) Cleaning feeders

Cleaning waterers

Provide fresh Water

Provide fresh feeds

Provide adequate waterers

Provide adequate feeders

Provide clean water

Provide clean feeds

4 x ½

14. Manage market weight

Determine birth weight

Determine growth rate

Manage feeding

Determine weaning stage

Determine mothering ability

4 x ½

SECTION B (20 marks)

15. (a) Fold/Ark;

(b) Wood;



2 x 1

(c) Labour intensive;

Accommodates few birds;

Results in dirty eggs;

Difficult to keep individual egg production records;

Breakage/damage due to frequent movement;

3 x 1

16. (a) Fascioliasis;

(b) Fasciola hepatica;

(c) Control the secondary host/snail;

Drenching using antihelmintics;

Burning pastures;

Avoid grazing in marshy areas;

2 X 1

(d) Damaged liver/organs;

Presence of the parasite;

Turnels of parasite movements;

2 x 1

17. (a) A New Zealand White/Kenya White;(l mark)

B California White;(l mark)

(b) Watering;(1 mark)

(c) Droppings and urine fall to keep the floor dry;(1 mark)

18. (a) Manganese(1 mark)

(b) (i) Reduced hatchability

(ii) Reduced shell thickness/ soft shelled eggs

(iii) Reduced appetite

(iv) Reduced growth rate

(v) Low production

(vi) Egg eating.

(vii) Loss of feathers(3 marks)

SECTION C (40 marks)

19. (a) Select a high grade pure breed bull; and a Well managed low grade heifer; Mate them to produce a heifer with half of the sire’s genes; Mate the heifer with a sire of the same pure breed as original sire; Subsequent; heifers should be mated with sires of the same pure breed as original sire; up to the sixth cross/generation; to produce a hygrade heifer with over 98% genes of the pure breed high grade bull;


(8 marks)

(b) Overcrowded housing;


Lack of adequate clean water which impairs egg development;

Parasite infestation;

Inadequate feeding;

Old age;


Inadequate Waterers/feeders;

Inferior feeds;

Egg eating;

Inadequate laying nests;

Presence of predators/strangers;

Sudden change of feeds;

Sudden noise;

Sudden change of weather to cold conditions;

Disease infection;

12 x 1 (12 marks)

20. (a) In the first week, the calf should be fed on colostrum ad libitum;

In the second and third weeks; it is fed on 3.5; and 4.0kg; of whole milk per day respectively;

From the fourth week; whole milk is gradually replaced with a mixture of whole and skim milk.

The milk should be at body temperature;

Calf pellets/pencils should be introduced gradually from the third week;

Green fodder should be gradually introduced from the third week;

milk should be divided initially into three equal parts and finally into two equal parts;

The amount of whole milk fed should be reduced as the calf grows;

Skim milk should be increased as whole milk reduces;

From the 7″‘ week the calf is not fed on whole milk;

Concentrates should be increased as the calf copes with bulky solid feeds;

At the 16″‘ week the calf can be fully introduced to forage crops;

12 x 1 (12 marks)

(b) Liming the pond;

Inlet channel or pipe should be opened so that fresh water fills the pond slowly;

Add manure or fertiliser to encourage growth of planktons;

Fish is introduced after about 2- 4 Weeks when planktons and other water plants have grown;

Fingerlings are obtained from recognised hatcheries; and transported with care in a water medium; using a plastic container at about 10 degrees celcius;

The fingerlings are then introduced to the water during the day when the water temperature is almost the same as that of the container they were transported in;

Lower the container into the pond and let it stay for sometime for acclimatisation;

Allow the fingerlings to swim out of the container;

Stock at an average rate of 5-10 fingerlings for Sm”

Feed the fingerlings;

8 x 1 (8 marks)

24. (a) (i) The engine should be checked daily by use of dip stick and oil level maintained;

The fuel level should be checked at the start of everyday’s work and added if necessary;

Water level in the radiator should be inspected and if low topped up;

The level of electrolyte should be checked daily and topped up with distilled water if low;

The nuts and bolts should be tightened every day;

Grease should be applied regularly to the moving parts;

Large sediments from the sediment bowl should be removed;

Tyre pressure should be checked every morning before the day‘s work and adjusted accordingly;

The fan-belt tension should be checked to ensure that it deflects between 1.9 cm – 2.5 cm when pushed;

The brake shaft bearing should be greased and break fluid level maintained;

Lost bolts and nuts are replaced.

10 x 1 (10 marks)

(ii) Moving parts should be oiled/ greased regularly to reduce friction (tear and wear);

The yoke should be properly maintained eg. repair when worn out, replaced if not repairable, properly padded;

Tyre pressure should be checked daily before the start of work;

Broken trailer bodies should be repaired;

Loose nuts and bolts should be tightened;

Paint it if to be stored for long to avoid rusting;

Clean after use;

Store under shed;

Replace lost nuts and bolts;

5 x 1 (5 marks)

(b) By checking the appetite and feeding – if low or excessive it indicates that the goat is sick

Defaecation – inconsistency in texture, colour, smell, frequency and posture, presence of arasite segments, egg, larvae or blood

Urination – irregular posture, colour and and frequency;

Change in temperature above or below the normal range;

Respiratory rate – irregular respiration shown by non-rhythmic inspiration and expiration indicates ill health.

Pulse rate – Abnormal pulse rate under normal physiological status indicates ill- health.

Production level – Loss of weight, emaciation and reduced production rate. Abnormal discharges

Posture – while standing or lying.

Behaviour eg. abnormal sound, aggression, excitement.

Appearance – eg. dullness, restlessness, pot belly, bloated.

Movement eg. gait, eg, standing or limping when walking.

Mucuors membranes (abnormal) eg. bright red colour, yellowish, blueish depending on disease.

Skin/animal coat – (abnormal) starring hair, coat, sores/wounds on skin. 5 x 1 (5 marks)

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