Individual Consultants

When a procuring entity needs individual advice or assistance, it may want to select individual consultants with experience and qualification for a particular assignment.

These types of services may include:

  1. Preparation of TOR.
  2. Updating or revision of feasibility studies.
  3. Preliminary engineering designs of small projects.
  4. Technical assistance in economic and sectorial planning institutional organization and management.
  5. Assistance in procurement planning.
  6. Preparing of bidding and proposal document evaluation of bids for goods, works and consultant proposals.
  7. Technical assistance in project management and supervision.
  8. Training

The procuring entities advertise the assignment in order to receive expressions of interest; however they may constitute a shortlist from their database or approach the individual directly by sending them TORs. The selection shall be carried out through comparison of the qualifications of the candidates. The criteria shall be academic background, experience, specific knowledge and verifiable references for successful completion relevant for the assignment.

When the expertise of an assignment is more generally available, the fees may be negotiable depending on market conditions and availability of individuals. If the consultants are selected on a competitive basis of quality and cost comparison, the procuring entity shall offer the contract to the consultant with the highest combined score.

The procuring entity may contract individual consultants directly in exceptional cases such as:

  1. Tasks that are a continuation of previous work of the consultant for which the consultant was selected.
  2. Emergency situations resulting from national disasters, financial crisis or similar event.
  3. When there are only a few or no other consultants available with the required expertise
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