Describe five steps that an entrepreneur would take to improve notes taking

  1. Have a clear purpose
  2. Recognize main ideas
  3. Recognizing the main ideas
  4. Identifying what information is relevant to your task
  5. Having a system of note taking that works for you
  6. Reducing the information to note-and diagram format
  7. Where possible putting the information in your own words
  8. Recording the source of the information
  9. Select what is relevant, you do not need to write down everything that is said
  10. Have a system for recording information that works for you/?
  11. The use of symbols and abbreviations is useful when speed is essential. You also need to be familiar with symbols frequently used in your courses
  12. Develop a system of symbols and abbreviations; some personal, some from your courses
  13. Be consistent when using symbols and abbreviations

Highlight five rules of analyzing data from a questionnaire

  1. Make copies of your data and store the master copy away. Use the copy for making edits, cutting and pasting, etc.
  2. Tabulate the information, i.e., add up the number of ratings, rankings,-yes’s, no’s for each question
  3. For ratings and rankings, consider computing a mean, or average, for each question. For example, “For question #1, the average ranking was .2.4”. This is more meaningful than indicating, e.g., how many respondents ranked 1,2, or 3
  4. Consider conveying the range of answers, e.g., 20 people, ranked T ”,‘30 ranked “2”, .and 20 people ranked “3”
  5. Keep all commentary for several years after, completion in case needed for future reference


Highlight five functions of business letters in an enterprise

Convey information

The basic purpose of any business letter is to convey information regarding business activities. Information can be transmitted through business letter to customers, suppliers, debtors, government authorities, financial institutions, bank and insurance companies and to any other parties related with the business.

Conclude transaction

This is one of the specific purposes of business letter. To conclude in completed transactions business letters are frequently used.

Creation of demand

Business letters especially circular letters used to create demand for new products. Circular letters can communicate to many people at the same time

Creation of goodwill

In this electronic era messages can be sent within few seconds’ through-electronic media but a well decorated business letter has its own importance in creation positive image of the company.

Expansion of business

Through goodwill messages and through circular letters existing market can be expanded.

Establishment of relationship:

‘’Another important purpose of business letter is, it helps to establish mutual relationship with the customers, suppliers and with the other interested parties.


Business letters’ are also used to maintain documentary evidence. Letters can be preserved for future reference.


 distinguish between “an order” and “an instruction”

There is a difference between giving orders and giving instruction. Giving orders does not allow options. When you give instructions instead of giving commands this allows a few things to happen.

  • It allows your teammates to elaborate and open up with ideas.
  • You give them opportunity to think things through
  • You give them opportunity of being a decision maker

Identify four ways in which an order given by an effective entrepreneur to the employees could be made more

  • Be upfront: When providing direction for your team share with them the purpose and the time frame in which it need to be completed. Allow your team the flexibility to complete task in their own manner.
  • Be direct: Don’t use ambiguous terms, upon leaving from the discussion you should both be on the same wavelength.
  • Check for clarity; Check in with your team members when delegating a task before they get started, you want to ensure that they are able to restate what your expectations are.
  • Be consistent:- Allow your team members an opportunity to finish the task you assign to them before pulling them off of the task and assigning them to something else.

Outline four factors that could affect the style of language used when writing a memo.

  • Be upfront: When providing direction for your team share with them the purpose and the time frame in which it need to be completed. Allow your team the flexibility to complete task in their own manner.
  • Be direct: Don’t use ambiguous terms, upon leaving from the discussion you should both be on the same wavelength.
  • Check for clarity; Check in with your team members when delegating a task before they get started, you want to ensure that they are able to restate what your expectations are.
  • Be consistent:- Allow your team members an opportunity to finish the task you assign to them before pulling them off of the task and assigning them to something else.


Explain the term “graphic communication”

  • Be upfront: When providing direction for your team share with them the purpose and the time frame in which it need to be completed. Allow your team the flexibility to complete task in their own manner.
  • Be direct: Don’t use ambiguous terms, upon leaving from the discussion you should both be on the same wavelength.
  • Check for clarity; Check in with your team members when delegating a task before they get started, you want to ensure that they are able to restate what your expectations are.
  • Be consistent:- Allow your team members an opportunity to finish the task you assign to them before pulling them off of the task and assigning them to something else.

Enumerate five advantages of graphic communication

  • The communication mechanism is much neater.
  • It also exudes a level of highly organised output.
  • The desired effects are achieved through the use of colour. Information is selected, organised and represented graphically Enables the users to develop expertise in computer-aided

Joanina enterprise has been producing an in-house for its employees.

A survey conducted last year revealed that 80% of the employees did not read the publication.

Advise the management of Joanina enterprises on which measures to take in order to make the publication more useful and interesting to the reader.

. Don’t hedge

“Hedging” is when you go out of your way to cover every contingency in an argument. Example: “Nowadays almost all middle-school girls have at least some affinity for vampires.” The hedges are “almost all” and “at least some affinity.” These may be strictly true, but it s soft, pudgy wording that lacks punch. Instead: “Nowadays middle school girls love vampires.” \

  • Repeat a phrase

Repetition establishes structure and rhythm* Repetition taps into the old part of our brain that loves rhyme and meter* Repetition pulls the reader into the flow of your writing. Repetition isn’t difficult to use. Repetition is annoying if overused.

  • No passive voice

Passive voice is when you switch the positions of the subject and object of a sentence. For example: “The boy hit the ball” is in active voice; passive voice is: “The ball is hit by the boy.

  • Brevity

The best way to try and be entertaining is to try an write less.

  • Use short sentences

Short sentences are easy to read. They’re easy to digest. It’s easier to follow each point of an argument. Sometimes longer sentences — especially when divided up with dashes — are an appropriate tool, especially mixed in with shorter sentences to mix things up. But usually shorter is better.

  • Provoke, don’t solve

If you re writing a report that is supposed to cover all the bases, this tip doesn’t apply but if you’re trying to be persuasive. don’t try to handle ever objection in one sitting, your goal is to get the other person to respond: To ask you about a feature of your product m challenge you about a competition to double-check something before scheduling an interview. Don’t solve every problem, leaving no stone unturned; leave them wanting more!

  • Eliminate trash adjectives

Most adjectives and adverbs don’t add information; they just take up space and dull your message. Example: “I’m very interested in quickly scheduling an in-person interview.” Remove the adjectives and you get the same message, but sharper: “I’m interested in scheduling an interview.”

  • Tell a story

Write a motivating and inspiring story to capture the minds of readers.

  • Write informally

Sure, informal writing isn’t “professional.” And yeah, using phrases like “and yeah” violates the “brevity” rule, but it’s often a good idea to write like you speak, Being informal makes you come off as a real person.


Outline five uses of circulars as a mode of communication in an enterprise

  • They enhance communication between the firm and its customers
  • They are also used to enforce dress codes
  • They are a means of implementing particular policies within an organisation
  • They are also used to invite   employees to meetings or luncheons.
  • They can also be used as an advertising tool


 explain the term “memorandum”

  • A memo is the short form for a memorandum. The word comes from a Latin term ‘memoir” which means a reminder.
  • A memo is the most convenient method of conveying a simple message or idea to a big or a large groups of people and very quickly within the organisation. A Memo may be accompanied with a cover note which may some other important information not mentioned in the memo.
    • Memos are used for internal communication as a result of this they have a particular formation .of writing and are short Lei TO, From, Date, Subject, and Ref.

list four uses of a memorandum

It is used to convey instruction or directive

–     It serves as a reminder

–     It is used for a rcquest/proposal

–     It is used as notice

–     It is used as caution


Explain the purpose of job application letters and show how the attention, interest, desire, action (AIDA) organizational model could be used in job application letters

  • A well organize application letter will trigger for you to be hired in the job you are applying.
  • Acts as an advertisement of oneself as it delivers reliable information about yourself, it should be convincing for the HR or the Personnel officer to go over your resume for further evaluation.
  • Enables one to provide information on his experience in respect to the company
  • Save your time: apply to jobs you feel strongly that you a qualified for. If you think its just a shot in the dark, then, it most probably is and poised to miss its target. Take the time to think about the job while revising your cover note and resume to talk directly to the position. This may prove far more efficient than forwarding same applications to different openings.
  • Length: while a three-page cover note will hardly be read, putting down three lines of text is grossly insufficient. A sparse cover note shows the applicant is inattentive, impatient or just incapable of projecting their skills in their first impression. I suggest one page for most jobs.
  • Content: spending your words on your biographical details is unproductive. Some applicants start by saying when and where they were born, their village and state of origin and all the places they schooled starting from primary school.


Outline the constituent parts of a business letter

  • The constituent parts of a business letter are;
  • The Body: This is the content, or the message of the letter. Ill reserve detailed discussion of the body content for another article, but for maximum impact, it should be clear, concise and correct.
  • The complime. itary close: This comes two lines after the last line of the letter, and might be yours sincerely, sincerely, yours truly, yours faithfully or even regards.
  • The signature: Leave four to six blank lines after the complimentary close for the writers handwritten signature.
  • The name and title of the writer: Beneath the handwritten signature is the typed name of the writer. Sometimes the persons title is included in a separate line, but this is optional.

 Explain five factors to be considered when writing a report

  1. Purpose- is the purpose of the report made clear
  2. Information- ensures that the report gives all the information required by the terms or’ reference.
  • Introduction- ensure the introduction explains the scope and limits of the report
  1. Accuracy- ensure that all statements are accurate
  2. Structure- the subject should be arranged in the appropriate logical sequence and the sentence structure is clear.
  3. Style- the report should be free of pompous phrases and cliches and the approach is positive rather than negative

  • Display- there should be a reasonable economy of paper and expressions language the report should be free of grammatical errors and the vocabulary should not be abstract.
  • Language- the report should be free of grammatical errors and the vocabulary should not be abstract.
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