1. Employees in charge of disposable item shall bring the matter to the attention of the disposal committee through the head of the procurement function.
2. The employee will create the above attention within reasonable time after the asset becomes unserviceable, obsolete or surplus.
3. There shall be technical report were appropriate by a relevant expert of the subject items for disposal.
4. Disposal committee shall meet within the prescribed period to conduct a survey and review the items and recommend the best method of disposal to the accounting officer.
5. The accounting officer shall disclose the reserve price to the prospective tenderers based on the technical report and price set by the expert.
6. Where there is no responsive bidder the accounting officer shall have powers based on the powers based on the powers of the recommend of the disposal committee to revise the reserve price.
7. After receiving the recommendations of the disposal committee the accounting officer may approve or reject the recommendation of the committee.
8. If the accounting officer approves the recommendations the disposable item lasset shall be disposed off in accordance with those recommendations.
9. If the accounting officer rejects the recommendations of the disposal committee he/she shall give further directions on the matter and may refer the matter back to the committee for further recommendations.
Disposal Procedure.
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