1. Establish preliminary decisions such as
  • Geographical coverage. Will the directory cover Nairobi city or the whole Kenya?
  • Sector coverage .Will the directory covers institutions directories of public libraries or professional-directory of librarians.
  • Form of entries to be included.
  • Name of individual or company
  • Address of individuals or company
  • Telephone or fax number

                 Establish the arrangement of the entries.



Kenya School of Professional Studies

P.o. Box 60550

Nairobi ……………………………………………………………………….750255-8


  1. The arrangement of entries should be consistent through the work.
  2. Identification of sources to consult. If possible contact them in advance. For instance if it iss a professional directory, one can consult the various information centers or even an institutional directory.
  3. Design the data input sheet. This is how the data will be recorded.
  4. Collection of data and recording it on a searchable medium
  5. Arrangement of entries
  6. Writing of preliminary pages. Such as introduction, abbreviations, two’s
  7. Physical production of the directory
  8. Binding
  9. Organize for revision

Revision Questions

1. A professional Association has commissioned your consultancy firm to compile a directory of publishing firms within Nairobi

2. Compile directories of the following areas

Institutional resources

Different types of libraries

Record and archives centers

3. Special and documentation centers

Professional Associations

Human resources

Directories of librarians in Kenya

Information consultants in Mombasa

4. Members of parliament in Kenya

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