Stage 1: information definition

Sender defines information to be sent by thinking about the aim of the communication and the content to be conveyed.

Stage 2:

Encoding stage the information is put into a form which is most suitable for the receiver and the aim of the communication. This involves putting the information into worlds, ideas into picture, gesture/facial expression.

Stage 3:

The actual transfer of the message or sending stage. This is done using the message, medium and channel.

Stage 4 –

(Receiving stage) the receiver takes the message by reading a letter, Listening to a speech, looking at an educational television program etc.

Stage 5 –

(Decoding stage) the receive interprets the message he has been given in order to obtain his idea of information it conveys. Its possibly for distortion to occur at this stage due to poor handwriting, medium used by sender or even the receivers attitude towards the sender.

Stage 6 –

(Feed back) this is the reaction of receiver to the senders message. The feedback informs the sender that the message has been received. Feedback may take the form of nodding, smiling or even listening.

Stage 7 –
It is a complete repetition of the cycle


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