Business Calculations _ Statistics 2012 November Knec Past Paper

SECTION A (32 marks )
1. State four features of land as a factor of production.

2. Highlight three features of market stalls.

3. State Tour function of money.

4. State four circumstances under which a trader may choose to transport goods by air.

5. State three measures that the local authority may lake to improve the quality of service that it offers to its residents.

6. Outline four benefits that consumers may derive from warehousing facilities offered by the sellers.

7. Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in the Stock Exchange (2 marks)
(i) Par value of shares;

Highlight three functions of the Kenya Bureau of Standards in relation to consumer protection.

SECTION B (68 marks)

8. (a) Explain six services that the Central Bank of Kenya offer to the commercial banks. (9 marks)
(b) State four differences between bonded warehouses and private warehouses. (8 marks)
9. (a) Outline six ways in which the government provides an enabling business environment in a country <9 marks)
Outline four benefits that an individual may get from trading activities. <8 marks)
10. (a) A trader intends to transport a consignment of goods to the market Explain six factors that he should consider when choosing the means of transport that is more appropriate to use. (9 marks)
(b) Outline four advantages of using the Automated Teller Machine Cards (ATM cards) to the account holder. (8 marks)
11. (a) Explain the procedure that should be followed when taking an insurance policy.
State six differences between a cooperative society anil a public limited company’s(9 marks)
12. Highlight four ways in which a limited company may benefit by having its shares quoted in the stock exchange. (8 marks)
Explain six circumstances under which a seller may find it necessary to sell his goods on cash with order (C.W.O) terms.


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