Advantages of PIMS over traditional procurement systems (paper based)

1. During bidding process, bidders cannot present the technical measures of experience and equipment as it is in hardcopy submission system since tracked factual data is given by the system server.
2. Once equipment, man power or vehicles allocated by bidders for a particular contract in the bid can be used for that contract only making it impossible for them to allocate them to other contracts.
3. Opening evaluation of bids is highly simplified work in PIMS as it does not require many personnel and chances of manipulation and alteration in the documents by the evaluation team are minimal or even not there.
4. Less or no corruption as most of the activities are done online/automatically by the system e.g. bid evaluation etc.
5. PIMS timely informs and alarms critical activities and time frames which are often forgotten during contract execution.
6. This generation of reports and activities taking place in the system including financial incomes of the contractor can be used for the next bidding.

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