CPA Advanced Level

  1. Strategy and Risk Management
  2. Advanced Financial Reporting
  3. Advanced Financial Management

Specialization (One paper)

  1. Advanced taxation
  2. Advanced Auditing and Assurance
  3. Advanced Management Accounting
  4. Advanced Public Financial Management

Practical Paper on Business and Data Analytics



  • Analyse an organization’s environment and apply a strategic management approach in enhancing organizational growth, evaluate and manage opportunities and risks
  • Apply advanced management accounting tools and techniques for decision making in the context of organizational strategy
  • Evaluate complex financial decisions in a global context with risk, including mergers, portfolio and real estate. Apply Public Financial Management regulations in decision making ad advanced level
  • Compute taxes and advise on tax planning initiatives for complex business  structures and transactions
  • Undertake auditing and assurance engagements and other related assignments in a complex environment
  • Account for complex financial transactions, prepare and analyse financial statements for complex group structures. Apply advanced level IPSAS in government accounting
  • Apply digital technology to prepare financial statements



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