- Strategy and Risk Management
- Advanced Financial Reporting
- Advanced Financial Management
Specialization (One paper)
- Advanced taxation
- Advanced Auditing and Assurance
- Advanced Management Accounting
- Advanced Public Financial Management
Practical Paper on Business and Data Analytics
- Analyse an organization’s environment and apply a strategic management approach in enhancing organizational growth, evaluate and manage opportunities and risks
- Apply advanced management accounting tools and techniques for decision making in the context of organizational strategy
- Evaluate complex financial decisions in a global context with risk, including mergers, portfolio and real estate. Apply Public Financial Management regulations in decision making ad advanced level
- Compute taxes and advise on tax planning initiatives for complex business structures and transactions
- Undertake auditing and assurance engagements and other related assignments in a complex environment
- Account for complex financial transactions, prepare and analyse financial statements for complex group structures. Apply advanced level IPSAS in government accounting
- Apply digital technology to prepare financial statements
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