PLANNING A plan – This refers to a predetermined course of action for achieving objectives. It’s a frame work that details the methods and tasks that are to be implemented in order to achieve organizational goals. Plans may be tailored Read More …

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ORGANISING FUNCTION It  is  a  process  of  dividing  work  into  convenient  tasks  or  duties  or  groups  of  duties,  delegating authority to each post and appointing qualified staff to be responsible so that work may be done as planned. As a Read More …

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COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE  Porter based on the five forces proposed three principle strategies which he called Generic strategies that could be used to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage namely: Overall cost leadership-this is where a firm sets out to become a Read More …

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ANSOFF’S PRODUCT MARKET GROWTH MATRIX The Ansoff Growth matrix is a tool that helps business to decide their product and market growth strategy. Ansoff’s product/market growth matrix suggests that a firm’s chances to grow depend on the type of product Read More …

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FORMULATING CORPORATE LEVEL STRATEGIES Strategic options / Grand Strategies Based on the above strategies a firm can take the following grand strategies at corporate level: Integration strategies Forward integration–this involves gaining ownership or increased control over distribution channels. It eliminates Read More …

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STRATEGY FORMULATION  Strategy formulation is the process of determining appropriate courses of action for achieving  rganizational objectives and thereby accomplishing organizational purpose. Strategy Formulation is the process of developing the strategy. And the process by which an organization chooses the Read More …

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Multidisciplinary nature of management

Multidisciplinary nature of management Though management has developed as a separate discipline but it draws knowledge and concepts from disciplines such as sociology, psychology, economics, statistics, operations research etc. Management integrates ideas and concepts from these disciplines and uses them Read More …

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EMPLOYEE SEPARATION Methods of employee separation include; Retirement This can be defined as the exit from an organization, position or career path at mid age with an intention of reducing psychological commitment to work. It is an action initiated by Read More …

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