1 Purpose of chapter   The P2 UK paper   This chapter contains the additional syllabus content required for those who are sitting the P2 UK paper.   If you are sitting the P2 INT paper then you do not Read More …

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Group re-organisations p2

Definition of a group reorganisation   A group reorganisation (or restructuring) is any of the following:   the transfer of shares in a subsidiary from one group entity to another   the addition of a new parent entity to a Read More …

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Change in a group structure p2

Acquisition of a subsidiary   There are two acquisition scenarios that need to be considered in more detail:   mid-year acquisitions   step acquisitions.   Mid-year acquisitions   A parent entity consolidates a subsidiary from the date that it achieves Read More …

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Complex groups p2

Complex group structures   Complex group structures exist where a subsidiary of a parent entity owns a shareholding in another entity which makes that other entity also a subsidiary of the parent entity.   Complex structures can be classified under Read More …

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Group accounting – basic groups p2

Overview of interests in other entities   The following diagram presents an overview of the varying types of interests in other entities, together with identification of applicable reporting standards. The standards referred to in the diagram above cover a range Read More …

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Current issues p2

1 Introduction   What is meant by a ‘current issue’?   In relation to ‘current issues’, the ACCA P2 study guide says that candidates need to be able to discuss:   recent IFRS Standards   practice and regulatory issues   Read More …

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Non-financial reporting p2

  Non-financial reporting   Non-financial information, in the form of additional information provided alongside the financial information in the annual report, has become more important in recent years.   While financial information remains important, stakeholders are interested in other aspects Read More …

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