Mail order business is whereby customers place their orders through mail and goods are also send through mail. This business is however not popular in Kenya. Discuss five reasons to encourage your colleagues to start this type of business.

It is cheap as its not necessary to maintain expensive showrooms. Doesn’t require a fleet of transport vehicles Salesmen may not be required and few employees can handle the mail. Distributor may contain complete control over the products on his Read More …

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You are the sales manager of „speed‟ Industries Ltd. that manufactures tyres. You are faced with the decision to choose an appropriate channel to distribute the product. Discuss the factors you consider in your choice.

Cost – choose channels which are not too expensive so that profits aren’t reduced. Nature of my produce – Requires middlemen with tyre knowledge. Size or Nature of market – if the market is large enough around the factories the Read More …

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Money evolved through several stages to get to the currency notes and coins we have today. However “ Modern – day trade may compare negatively with barter trade”. Discuss this statement giving it your support.

Trading procedures have become complicated Increased fraud and cheating over money Trade has become risky due to theft and carrying of large sums of money Trade has become expensive where one has to bank money, pay interest for loans etc. Read More …

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