Functions of Money

Medium of exchange: Money facilitates the exchange of goods and services in the economy. Workers accept money for their wages because they know that money can be exchanged for all the different things they will need. Use of money as Read More …

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Consumer Sovereignty in Economics

Consumer Sovereignty is the willingness, ability and freedom of the consumer to largely influence the fundamental economic decisions of resource allocation. The consumer‟s willingness and ability to spend on goods and services is an indication to producers (firms) of what, Read More …

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Production possibility frontier

Production possibility curve (PPC) is the locus of combinations of two commodities whose production fully and efficiently utilizes the available resources and technology in a given period of time. It shows the maximum output a county can produce with its Read More …

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Opportunity cost

The opportunity cost of an action is the value of the benefit expected from the next best foregone alternative. It is a derivative concept which arises due to the scarcity of resources (for production) or goods and services (for consumption) Read More …

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Meaning of Scarcity and Choice

Scarcity being the central economic problem is defined as the inadequacy/ insufficiency/ inability of (economic) resources or goods and services available to fully satisfy unlimited wants. Human wants are people’s desires for goods and services (backed by the ability to Read More …

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The Mixed Economy

There are no economies in the world which are entirely „market‟ or planned, all will contain elements of both systems. The degree of mix in any one economy is the result of a complex interaction of cultural, historic and political Read More …

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