
The act of examining vouchers is referred to as vouching. It is the practice followed in an audit, with the objective of establishing the authenticity of the transactions recorded in the primary books of account. It essentially consists of verifying a transaction recorded in the books of account with the relevant documentary evidence and the authority on the basis of which the entry has been made; also confirming that the amount mentioned in the voucher has been posted to an appropriate account which would disclose the nature of the transaction on its inclusion in the final statements of account. On these considerations, the essential points to be borne in mind while examining a voucher are:

  1. that the date of the voucher falls within the accounting period;
  2.  that the voucher is made out in the client’s name;
  3.  that the voucher is duly authorised;
  4.  that the voucher comprised all the relevant documents which could be expected to have been received or brought into existence on the transactions having been entered into, i.e., the voucher is complete in all respects; and
  5.  that the account in which the amount of the voucher is adjusted is the one that would clearly disclose the character of the receipts or payments posted thereto on its inclusion in the final accounts.

After the examination is over, each voucher should be either impressed with a rubber stamp or initialed so that it may not be presented again in support of another entry.

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