Tips for Achieving Higher Marketing Survey Response Rates

Here are some ways you can encourage your respondents to complete your surveys:

1. Introduce your objective. Provide context with a brief sentence. Tell survey takers why you‘re asking these questions and how their feedback will help, e.g. ―Your suggestions will help us to better understand how we can deliver the services you want most.‖
2. Keep it short and focused. Make sure each question brings you closer to your goal. Respect survey takers‘ time, and word questions clearly.
3. Pre-test your survey. Pre-test your survey with a few members of your intended audience. You might uncover inconsistencies or unexpected question interpretations.
4. Keep rating scale questions consistent. If you‘re using Likert rating scales, use the same points system throughout your survey. If 1 means ―extremely satisfied‖ and 5 means ―extremely dissatisfied,‖ maintain this scale for all quest

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