The performance appraisal review process

The performance appraisal review process provides a critical element in the development of organization’s most valuable resource: its employees

1. identifying performance standards The appraisal attempts to identify the key skills, behaviours, results and output be reviewed, usually form job analysis data. Performance standards specify what is to be accomplished, and some measure of how well it is being accomplished, and some measure of how well it is being accomplished. The more the performance standards are communicated to employees, the more accurate and fair the review process. In general, the greater the specificity of the standards, the more effective
the systems
2. the appraisers The appraisal is usually performed by one’s immediate supervisor. The rationale is that this individual has the most opportunity to observe the employee, should have a better understanding of the job being performed and is motivated to optimize the
employees performance appraisal because the supervisor’s future is directly linked to the organizational units profitability.
The immediate supervisors should utilize to minimize any appearance of giving critisicm. This can be accomplished by focusing on results rather individual personality.

One should be aware how voice tone can change a person’s interpretation of what is being said. The supervisor should regard the employee as a teammate and involve the person in the process. The future should be stressed that the past. The emphasis should be on the positive benefits to be attained by adapting the suggested adjustments. At the same time, it should be pointed out if the adjustments are not made, there will be consequences.

3. Self appraisal Other performance sources include surbodiante self-appraisals that are completed prior to the review session and then used as the agenda for the session. The effectiveness of self appraisals depends upon a trusting relationship between superior and
surdbodinate. Also, not to be overlooked is the surbodinate’s expectation of one’s peer group as to their honesty and accuracy in their own self-appraisal
4. Peer appraisal/multiple appraisal Many organizations are finding that multiple raters add to the effectiveness of appraisal system. Ratings collected from several sources tend to be more accurate and have fewer biases. Still another form is peer appraisal, here one’s follow workers rate each other. Again, trust must prevail, along with accurate and frequent observation of each other’s work behaviour. Often peers (or customers )have better knowledge have better knowledge of certain aspects of the employee’s work  performance.
This method often places greater emphasis on team performance and team rewards
5. Surbodinate rating Yet another form is the reverse procedure of surbodinate evaluating superiors. This may be placing an unfair burden upon the surbodinates who, on top of being expected to perform their jobs satisfactorily, now are placed under the additional stress of evaluating the person who will soon be evaluating them. Also, this assumes the surbodinates criteria is similar to the goals and objectives of the oragnization. Many organizations use self, surbodinate, peer and supervisor ratings as a comprehensive
appraisal. Although these sources of evaluation are innovative and thought provoking, they are not generally accepted in most oraganizations

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