
As Jesus travelled to Jerusalem, He prepared His disciples for the life they were to lead after He leaves  them.

Learning Outcomes. By the end of the topic, you should be able to  a Identify duties and privileges and cost of a disciple.

  • Describe the teachings of Jesus on prayer, hypocrisy, wealth and watchfulness’.
  • Describe parables Jesus used to teach about prayer, hypocrisy, wealth and watchfulness.



Lesson Outcomes. When you read this lesson, you should:

  1. Explain discipleship
  2. List duties given to disciples by Jesus Christ
  3. Explain relevance of Christian discipleship to modern Church

Jesus’ teaching on faith and humility 

A brief summary from the Bible. Read (Luke 9: 37 – 50) for details. After the transfiguration, Jesus used  two incidents to teach his disciples about faith and humility. One incident was the healing of a boy  possessed by an evil spirit (Luke 9: 37 –43). Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit out of the boy and the boy  was healed. Jesus told His disciples that their lack of faith was the reason why they did not cure the boy.

Jesus informed his disciples that faith in him was important when carrying out his work.

Jesus’ teaching on His Work 

The next question was ….. who is to work for Jesus? All Christians can work for Jesus even believers who  are gentiles. Read (Luke 9 vs. 49 – 50). Jesus told his disciples not to forbid others from carrying out his  work for whoever is not against Him is for Him. This means that whoever had faith; even the Gentiles  could carry out Jesus work.

Jesus’ teaching on His followers 

Jesus was determined to go to Jerusalem. As He travelled, men volunteered to follow him wherever he  was going. Jesus replied that foxes have holes, birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has  nowhere to lay his head. Jesus had no earthly home. His mission on earth was only for a time. A man  requested to follow Jesus but asked permission to bury his father. Jesus told him to let the dead bury  their dead. Disciples of Jesus have to leave their families in order to do His Work.

Mission of the 72 men. Read Luke 10:1 – 24

On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus sent out 72 disciples on a mission to promote the Gospel of the Kingdom  of God through preaching and service. The 72 disciples were sent in 2s in order to encourage or help  each other. The 72 were given instructions. Jesus told them that He has given them power over demons,  serpents, scorpion. They have power over all the powers of Satan. When disciples returned, they  reported that demons obeyed them. In Luke 10 verse 20, Jesus asked the 72 to rejoice not because  demons flee but because their names are written in heaven. Out of the many followers, Jesus chose 12  apostles who learnt from Jesus and became His witnesses.

Jesus’ teaching on the greatest disciple

Read (Luke 9: 46- 48). The disciples asked themselves– who is the greatest amongst disciples amongst  the 12 disciples? In response Jesus took a child by His side and said to the disciples. Whoever welcomes  this child in my name, welcomes me, as well as the one who sent me. For the one who is least amongst  you shall be the greatest in Heaven. Lessons from this example. Jesus explained that His disciples  needed values of humility and simplicity. These virtues were needed to carry out the work of  discipleship.

Teaching about Discipleship

  1. True followers of Jesus Christ must
  2. Be ready to detach themselves from families and material possessions.
  3. Be ready to face rejections because not all people will accept them or their message.
  4. Be ready to serve.
  5. Be ready to cater for people’s physical needs.
  6. Be self – less.
  7. Not be hypocrites and should accept hospitality whenever it is given.
  8. Be able to exercise self-evaluation.
  9. Duties of a disciple were:
  10. To preach the good news of salvation to other people and be ready to suffer for the sake of Christ.
  11. Obey God’s commandments and follow teachings of Jesus.
  12. To help the needy spiritually and with material needs.
  13. To teach others about the Kingdom of God.
  14. To heal the sick.
  15. To cast out demons.
  16. Be prepared to suffer for the sake of the gospel.
  17. Being loyal to Jesus and faithful to the gospel.
  18. Commitment and loyalty
  19. Privileges of a disciple
  20. One becomes a member of the Kingdom of God.
  21. They get an assurance of eternal life.
  22. They receive joy of winning other people to follow Jesus.
  23. They receive peace, and blessings of God.

How are these teachings relevant to modern church leaders and members?  Modern church leaders have a duty to continue preaching God’s word to all people. They should serve  God in several ministries such as visiting the sick, caring for orphans, the destitute, widows, widowers,  and the aged. They should also be ready to suffer and even face rejection for the sake of the Christ.


  1. What are the characteristics of a true follower of Christ? 2. State the privileges of being a disciple of Jesus Christ
  2. Why did Jesus choose the 12 disciples?



Read Luke 10: 25-37, and Luke 11: 1-13  a. The parable of the Good Samaritan

A teacher of law asked Jesus questions in order to tempt him. One was “ what must I do to receive  eternal life? (Read Luke 10: 25 to 28). Jesus replied with a question. What do the scriptures say? He  replied and Jesus told him to do as the scripture say. . He asked another question. Who is my neighbour?  (Luke 10 v 29). Jesus answered with the parable of the Good Samaritan.

In this parable, the righteous  people among the Jews, Levites and priests, did not help the injured man. A Samaritan whom Jews  considered unclean and sinners helped him. After narrating this parable Jesus asked the lawyer, who of  the 3 travelers was a good neighbour? The lawyer said the Samaritan.

Lessons learnt from the parable of the Good Samaritan 

In the above parable, Jesus stressed that a follower of Jesus should be:

  • Committed
  • Show love of God by loving people in need and their neighbours. A neighbour is anybody who requires assistance or help regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, colour or gender. Jesus wants his  followers to show love and concern to all people regardless of their background. A neighbour uses  his/her resources selflessly to help the needy. A neighbour is also compassionate, kind, and generous to  the needy.

Jesus Visit to Martha and Mary (Read Luke 10: 38 – 42)

Martha welcomed Jesus in her home where she lived with her sister Mary.

While Martha prepared food, Mary sat at Jesus’ feet listening to his teaching. Martha complained. She was doing all the work while

Mary sat listening to Jesus teaching. Jesus told Martha that Mary had made the right choice to listen to  His teaching.

Lessons we can learn from Jesus Visit to Martha and Mary 

  1. A committed follower of Jesus is one who creates time to study and listen to God’s word.
  2. A follower of Christ should ensure that their commitment to God is not overshadowed by daily duties, worries and responsibilities.
  3. Jesus visit to Mary and Martha was also to teach disciples on the characteristics of a true disciple.

Revision exercise 

  1. From the teachings of Jesus, on the parable of the good Samaritan; who do you think is a committed follower of Jesus?



Prayer is communication with God. It is talking with God. People pray to God all the time. For example,  people pray to God when:

  1. They are in problems and in happiness;
  2. Seeking healing and wealth,
  3. Giving thanks to God,
  4. Identifying the needs to be met, and asking for favors from God
  5. Repenting and confessing their sins
  6. Thanking God

There are many forms or types of prayers. These are:

  1. Intercessory prayer – Praying for the needs of others.
  2. Prayer for repentance – for forgiveness of sins.
  3. Thanksgiving prayer – giving thanks to God for what he has done.
  4. Worship prayer – prayers to worship God.
  5. Praise prayers – to praise God, Honor God.
  6. Supplication and petition prayer – whereby an individual makes their needs known to God and asks for divine intervention.

Jesus prayed often during his life’s Ministry. The disciples asked him to show them how to pray. Jesus  responded by teaching them the Lords Prayer.

“Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as It is in heaven  Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil”

  1. Our Father who art in heaven – The disciples were told to address God as ‘Our father’. God is to be seen and addressed as a Father.
  2. Hallowed be thy name – The name of God should be respected and revered.
  3. Thy Kingdom come – In Prayer, Christians/disciples are to pray that the rulership of God reign amongst them.
  4. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven – Christians to obey the will of God.
  5. Give us this day our daily bread – Christians to pray for their needs.
  6. Forgive us our trespasses – we ask for forgiveness of our sins and those of others.
  7. Jesus taught that one should be persistent in prayer. If a man goes to his friend at midnight and asks for bread to give to his visitor, the friend will open the door and give his friend all that he needs. This is  because his friend was persistent in knocking on the door.

In conclusion, if prayers are to be effective, one must have faith and be persistent. Believe that God shall

answer prayers. A committed follower of Jesus should pray at all times. In prayer, one should  acknowledge that God is the Father and that all prayers should be addressed to him. Two, one should  have faith that God answers prayers. Therefore we should be persistent in prayer.

Reasons why Christians should pray

To honor God

To request for favors

To offer thanksgiving

To confess their sins and seek for forgiveness of sins

To seek God’s protection

To intercede on behalf of others

To strengthen their relationship with God

Revision exercise 

  1. What did Jesus teach about prayer?
  2. What is the importance of prayer?



Learning outcomes.

By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

  1. Narrate Jesus teaching about demons
  2. Explain why the sign of Jonah was important
  3. Describe how God’s power overcomes evil
  4. Jesus and Beelzebub. (Read Luke 11: 14 to 28)

Jesus drove out a mute demon. The possessed man began to talk. The crowd said that Jesus was casting  out demons using the power of Beelzebub (the price of demons).

Beelzebul was an evil spirit. However  Jesus replied “Any country that divides itself into groups which fight each other will not last very long,  and a family divided against itself will fall. Jesus said it is by the power of God that drives out demons.

Lessons learnt 

  1. Satan cannot fight against himself therefore Jesus cannot be an agent of Beelzebub / Satan.
  2. Gods Kingdom and that of Satan were two separate Kingdoms and could not co exist.
  3. The destruction of Satan’s power meant that the Kingdom of God was in Israel and it was powerful.
  4. God’s power destroyed Satan’s kingdom. It is impossible to be neutral in the battle between Christ and  Satan. One has to belong to either Christ or Satan.
  5.  Jesus has power to drive out demons.
  6. Demons occupy people. They bring disabilities and diseases. What makes people to be insane? Mentally sick b. The sign of Jonah. (Read Luke 11: 29 – 32)

After Jesus drove out the dumb spirit, Jews demanded performance of greater miracles. They wanted  Jesus to prove that he was their expected messiah. Jesus said that Jonah was a great miracle. But Jesus  was greater miracle than that of Jonah, and King Solomon. King Solomon was full of wisdom. He was so  great that Queen of Sheba came to listen to his wisdom. Jesus like Jonah had brought a message of  judgment. Jesus is greater than Jonah or Solomon. If Jews refuse to receive and listen to Jesus, the  Gentiles like Queen of Sheba, will bear testimony against the Jews and receive God’s salvation.

The light of the body. Read Luke: 11: 33 – 36

Jesus taught that no one lights a lamp and hides it under a bowl. A lamp is placed where all can see its  light. He said that the human eye is the lamp or the light of the body. Jesus asked the listeners to make  sure that “the light in you is not darkness” (vs. 35).

What is the main message in this story?




Hypocrisy is being dishonest and insincere or pretending to someone else or people. What did Jesus  teach about hypocrisy?

Learning outcomes. After reading these verses in Luke:

  1. State what Jesus taught on hypocrisy
  2. Explain value of wealth
  3. Discuss how modern Christians can be watchful and ready for the coming of Jesus Christ
  4. Hypocrisy. Read Luke 12: 1- 12

A Pharisee invited Jesus to his house for a meal. When Jesus did not wash before eating the meal, the  Pharisee was surprised. Jesus told him “.. you Pharisees clean the outside of your cup and plate, but  inside you are full violence and evil”, greed and wickedness (vs. 39). Jesus condemned the Pharisees for  their hypocrisy. They were concerned with outward appearances and traditions such as ceremonial  washing of cups, hands, and dishes but not the souls of people. They loved the outward show and public  recognition. Pharisees tithed, “but neglected justice and love of God” (vs. 42). They imposed rules and  regulations for people to follow, yet they themselves did not practice what they preached. They refused  to confess their sins but pointed out sins in others. They hinder others from entering the kingdom of  God. They had failed to make people understand the true interpretation of the law. They were like  unmarked graves – dead to people yet the people trusted them. After this teaching, the Pharisees and  the teachers of the law began to oppose Jesus fiercely.

What do we learn from Jesus teachings?

Followers of Jesus should be

1. Sincere and upright (honest);

(2) obey God’s commands;

(3), live to please God but not other people;

(4) confess publicly their loyalty to God and

(5) love God without fear and

(6) be dependent on the Holy  Spirit


The Parable of the Rich Fool. (Read Luke 12:13 to 21).

Someone wanted justice. His brother had refused to share with him his father’s wealth. He wanted Jesus  to order his brother to divide their father’s inheritance between him. In response, Jesus answered him  with the parable of the rich fool.

A rich man expected a good harvest of his crops. He thought he did not have storage for the crop he  expected to harvest. The man said to himself. i will demolish my granaries and stores, then build bigger  ones to store all my corn, and other goods. He expected to have enough food to last him a lifetime. Then  he can enjoy his wealth; eating, drinking and making merry. But God told him that his life would be  demanded from him that same night. What will happen to his wealth, as he was not rich in God’s sight?

Lessons to learn 

  • Followers of Jesus should not put their trust in material wealth but in God
  • Life consists of food, other material wealth and trust in God
  • Whoever seeks God’s kingdom, will receive material blessings from God
  • Jesus did not condemn material possessions but rather the attitude towards material possessions.
  • Jesus condemned attachment to material wealth instead of trust in God who controls our lives.

Watchfulness, Readiness, and Instructions. (Read Luke 12: 35 – 59)

Jesus told his disciples to be:

  • Watchful and ready for the return of the Son of Man i.e. Jesus.
  • Faithful servants so that when Jesus returns, he will find them ready and acting responsibly
  • Watchful of possible divisions in families
  • Royal to Christ
  • Ready for the coming of the Son of Man. He will come at unexpected time; like a thief who comes  when the owner of the house is not aware.
  • Observing things of the kingdom of God, which were present in the person of Jesus.
  • Like good servants, and watch over the affairs of the master.
  • Be decision makers and follow the teachings of Jesus without being watched.

Review questions 

  1. In what ways were the Pharisees hypocritical?



Learning Outcomes. By the end of this topic, you should be able to

  1. Explain the teachings of Jesus about the kingdom of God
  2. Narrate the parables of
  3. The unfaithful fig tree
  4. The mustard seed
  5. Parable of the feast
  6. Parable of the great feast
  7. Parable of the lost sheep and the lost son

The Kingdom of God 

Kingdom of God refers to rule of God, or God’s authority on people’s lives and the world He created. The  kingdom of God was present in Jesus. It is now and in the future reality.

The teachings, and miracles of  Jesus were a manifestation of the Kingdom of God. For anyone to enter God’s kingdom, one has to  repent and ask for forgiveness. The Kingdom of God continues to grow and spread through the work of  the Church. Those who accept the teachings of Jesus Christ about God’s Kingdom are members of the  Kingdom of God. Now to enter the Kingdom of God, one has to repent and not judge others.

Read Luke 13:1-5. Luke has explained the kingdom of God and outlined who will enter it.

The Kingdom of God has unfruitful fig tree (Read Luke, 13: 6 – 9). A farmer had a fig tree that was  unproductive for 3 years. He ordered the gardener to cut it down. The gardener requested for the fig  tree to be given another chance. He promised to dig around the fig tree and add fertilizer. If it bears  fruits well, it can survive, if it doesn’t bear fruit, then it should be cut down.

Lessons learnt from the parable 

The unproductive fig tree represents followers of Jesus who are unproductive because they do not  follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. God gives people chances to repent just like the fig tree was given a  second chance to bear fruit. Jesus is the gardener who pleads for people before God. The followers of  Jesus are expected to be fruitful.

What are the figs used for?

Parable of the mustard seed. Read Luke, 13:18 – 19

Jesus likened the kingdom of God to a mustard seed, which is very small. When a mustard seed is  planted, it grows fast to become a big tree. It is difficult to control its growth. When mature, the fig tree  attracts many birds, which feed on its seeds.

Lesson learnt from the parable. 

The Kingdom of God

Begins as a small seed and grows quietly and humbly

Then it grows and spreads to all corners of the earth

And It attracts many people

Parable of the Yeast. Read Luke, 13: 20 – 21

The Kingdom of God is like yeast. Yeast makes dough rise and the bread big. The Kingdom of God grows  secretly and slowly just like the dough rises without being noticed. It is only God who knows how a  kingdom grows. The Kingdom of God grows as a small unit that eventually grows, spreads and reaches  out to many people in many nations.

The narrow door. Read Luke, 13: 22 – 30

As Jesus was teaching in towns and villages, a person asked him whether a few people would be saved.

Jesus replied that his followers should make every effort to go through the narrow door as it leads to the  Kingdom of God. The narrow door will not remain open forever.

Lesson learnt from the parable 

Those who wish to follow Jesus must repent immediately

Entrance to God’s Kingdom is through repentance

Everybody is invited to enter into the Kingdom of God.

Jesus heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath. Luke, 13:10 – 12

Jesus was teaching in the synagogue on Sabbath. Jesus healed a woman who had an evil spirit, which  had bent her back (Hunch back) for 18 years. Jesus saw her and told her “woman, you are free from your  illness!” She was made straight and immediately glorified God. The official of the synagogue was  annoyed that Jesus was healing on a Sabbath. He and others were hostile to Jesus for healing/working  on the Sabbath. Jesus told him, you hypocrite. You feed and look after your animals on the Sabbath day.

Jesus emphasized that human life is more important than animal life or even observing the Sabbath.

Lessons learnt from the parable 

Jesus came to set people free from the bondage of sickness and Satan. Jesus work of liberation is  continuous. It has to be performed even on a Sabbath day because human life is more important than  animal life or even observing the Sabbath.

Jesus’ Love for Jerusalem. (Read Luke13: 31 – 35)

As Jesus continued with his teachings, he reached Jerusalem. Pharisees informed him that Herod  wanted to kill him. His response was ‘go and tell that fox ” I will continue healing the sick and casting out  demons. Jesus however, lamented over Jerusalem for rejecting God’s messengers. God would abandon  Jerusalem for rejecting Jesus. Jerusalem was the site of Jesus death. It would eventually acknowledge  Jesus as the Messiah who brings salvation to Israel and to the rest of the world.

Man with dropsy healed (Read Luke 14:1 – 6).

Jesus was invited to the house of the leading Pharisees for a meal on a Sabbath. A man with dropsy  (swollen legs and arms) came to Jesus for healing. The Pharisees watched Jesus closely to see what he  would do. Jesus asked the Pharisees “ does our Law allow healing on the Sabbath or not?” They kept  quiet. Jesus healed the man who then left. Jesus asked the Pharisees, would they save their son or an ox  if it fell in a well on a Sabbath. They kept quiet.

Humility and Hospitality. (Read Luke 14: 7 – 14)

Jesus was in the house of a leading Pharisees and observed that some of the invited guests were  choosing the best places to sit at the table. He taught the disciples how to be humble. He said, when  invited for a meal, let the owner give you a seat of honor that is reserved for important and honorable  guests. Read verse 11.

Jesus advised his host to invite the poor, cripples, and the blind who cannot invite you, as they have  nothing to give back for generosity.

Lessons learnt from the parable 

Jesus is teaching about humility and hospitality. Those who are humble shall be elevated. Those who  elevate themselves shall be humbled. Followers of Jesus should extend invitations to the poor and the  underprivileged in the society. The Kingdom of God belongs to the humble people.

The parable of the Great Feast. Read Luke, 14: 15 – 24.

A man said to Jesus, “How happy are those who will sit down at the feast in the Kingdom of God” (verse 15). In response Jesus told him that a man made a great feast and invited many friends and colleagues  to the feast. The invited guests failed to come and a servant was sent to inform them that the feast was  ready. All the invited guests gave personal excuses explaining why they could not come.

The master was angry and asked the servant to invite the poor, crippled, lame, the blind and anyone  willing to come to the feast.

Lessons learnt from the parable 

God has invited all people to the great feast of the Kingdom of God. Those who honor his invitation will  be blessed. Those who reject the invitation will be excluded from the feast. Jesus explained that the

Kingdom of God is like a great feast open to all Jews and Gentiles.  To enter the Kingdom of God, one has to make a personal decision because following Jesus means  sacrificing activities that we consider important to us.  d. The Cost of Being a Disciple Read Luke 14: 25 – 33

True discipleship means loving Jesus more than ones family. This is a great sacrifice to detach oneself  from the family. A disciple must be ready to suffer for the sake of following Jesus. Following Jesus  requires skills of careful thinking, planning and detailed preparations. Jesus compared true discipleship  to the planning required when building a tower or engaging in a military operation.

Lessons / teachings learnt from the parable 

True discipleship means making great sacrifices, “none of you can be my disciple unless you give up  everything you have” (verse 33). Jesus disciples are expected to do careful planning before deciding to  follow him because they are required to love God more than anyone else even their relatives and  friends.

The parable of the Lost Sheep Read Luke, 15:1 – 7

Pharisees and teachers of law complained to Jesus because Jesus was teaching ordinary people such as  tax collectors, and outcasts considered sinners by them.

Jesus told the Pharisees and teachers of law the parable of the lost sheep. He told them that if a  shepherd with 100 sheep lost one of them, what action would he take? Wouldn’t he leave the 99 sheep  and go out to look for the lost sheep? And on finding it, wouldn’t the shepherd celebrate with friends  and neighbours? Jesus said that God celebrates if “over one sinner who repents than over 99

respectable people who do not need to repent.”

Lessons / teachings learnt from the parable 

  • God is a shepherd and takes care of all his people.
  • He does not want any of his people to be lost.
  • God searches for those lost in sin until he finds them. vi When one sinner repents, God is overjoyed and rejoices.  vii God is the good shepherd who has come to seek and save the lost.  Parable of the Lost Coin.

Read Luke, 15: 8 – 10

If a woman losses one of her ten silver coins, she searches until she finds it. And if it is found, she invites  her friends and neighbours to celebrate.

Lessons learnt from the parable 

God and the angels in heaven search make every effort to seek the lost sinner until they find them. Jesus  lights the world, looking for sinners who are lost because they are precious in God’s sight.

Parable of the Lost Son (prodigal son) Read Luke 15:11 – 32

Jesus then told the story of a father who had two sons. The younger was given his share of inheritance  he had requested. He went to foreign lands and wasted his inheritance. He became poor and decided to  return home and ask his father to forgive him and employ him as a servant.

His father kissed him and celebrated his return. The father announced to his guests that the son who  was lost is now found. – – The one who was dead is now live.

The elder son was angry and unhappy because his father had never held a celebration for him, inspite of  his hard work and obedience.

His father told him “my son you are always here with me, and everything I have is yours”. We are just  celebrating the return of the lost son.

Lessons learnt from the parable 

  1. A person dies spiritually if they sin
  2. God loves all people including sinners
  3. God is ready to forgive every sinner who repents
  4. There is no sin that God cannot give
  5. Jesus taught that both the righteous and unrighteous require God’s forgiveness
  6. There is joy and happiness in heaven when one sinner repents.
  7. Christians should confess their sins and acknowledge that Jesus saves repentant sinners
  8. God accepts unconditionally any sinner who comes back to him in repentance
  9. Confession of sins is a condition for entering the Kingdom of God.


SAQ. What are the qualities of those who belong to the kingdom of God?  Answer. Qualities of people who belong to the Kingdom of God  Those who belong to the Kingdom of God:

  • Obey God’s commandments
  • Accept God’s rule in their lives iii Show God’s love to others iv Are ready to make sacrifices so as to be followers of Jesus  v Read God’s word and preach to others  vi Confess their sins and seek forgiveness of their sins through repentance.

Review questions 

  1. Give an explanation of the term Kingdom of God
  2. What did Jesus teach about the kingdom of God?
  3. What lessons do Christians learn from the parables of the lost son?


  1. The term Kingdom of God means the role of God or God’s authority in people’s lives and the world.



Learning Outcomes. By the end of the topic, you should be able to:

  1. Explain the teachings of Jesus on wealth, and poverty
  2. Narrate the teachings of Jesus on repentance


While wealth is possession of material things such as money or occupation of a high social economic  status, poverty is the opposite. It is lack of basic needs such as water, education, food, shelter, clothing,  and health.

When teaching about wealth, Jesus taught using two parables. These were: (1) parable of the shrewd  manager (2) parable of the rich man and Lazarus

Parable of the shrewd manager Read Luke, 16: 1 – 18

When the shrewd manager realized that his master was going to sack him due to his dishonesty, he  asked the debtors to change the amounts they owed their master to smaller amounts. He did this to  make friends with a few people who would give him a place to stay after he was sacked. The master  praised the shrewd manager and did not sack him. The shrewd manager is praised not because of his  dishonesty but because he acted promptly and with great presence of mind in a moment of crisis.

Jesus is encouraging his disciples and followers to make prompt (quick, appropriate, timely) decisions.

They should use wealth to serve God. It should not be allowed to take the place of God. Followers of  Jesus should be honest in small and big things.

The Rich Man and Lazarus. Read Luke, 16: 19 – 31.

A rich man lived in luxury. At his gates was a poor man, called Lazarus whose body was covered by sores.

The rich man did not feed Lazarus. He ate food remains together with the rich man’s dogs.

When rich man died, he went to hell. When Lazarus died, he went to heaven and sat at Abraham/s  bosom. When in hell, the rich man was tormented while Lazarus was at peace.

Lessons to learn from this parable. 

The rich isn’t condemned for being rich but because of his altitude towards Lazarus. He used his wealth  for self-gratification and not for service to the needy. The wealthy should realize that it is God who gives  wealth and he should be given honor. Riches can hinder the wealthy from inheriting eternal life,  especially if they put their trust in riches instead of God who is the source of all wealth and blessings.

Revision exercise 

  1. From the parable of the rich fool what can Christians learn about the use of wealth?
  2. Narrate the parable of the shrewd manager



Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you shall explain the power of Christian faith.

Sin. Read Luke 17: 1-4. 

Jesus taught his disciples to forgive offenders who repent. Those who sin should seek forgiveness. If they  offend 7 times in a day, forgive them 7 times. Followers of Jesus need faith to forgive others.

The power of faith. Read Luke, 17: 5 – 11. 

Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in God. It is absolute truthfulness and trust in everything  that comes from God. The apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith. Followers of Jesus should have

faith. Faith has no measure. Faith as big as a mustard seed can empower Christians to perform miracles  that serve God. Faith is necessary. With faith, Christians can forgive others and be servants of God.

Disciples should have faith. Christians understand that they owe everything to God.

Jesus heals ten lepers. Read Luke, 17:11- 19 

Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem when he met ten lepers. They requested Jesus to heal them.

Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests. On the way, they were healed. One of them, a  Samaritan, returned to thank Jesus for healing him. The Samaritans and the Jews did not associate. Jesus  told the Samaritan that his faith has made him whole. Faith is necessary for healing any disease.

Leprosy is a disease that leads to loss of fingers, toes and other parts of the body. It was a dreadful skin  disease, which Jews feared. Lepers were isolated from other people. They lived dejected lives

The coming of the kingdom. Read Luke 17: 20 – 37 

The Pharisee demanded to know when the kingdom of God would come. Jesus replied that the kingdom  of God was within those who had accepted Jesus and his teachings. Those who wanted had received the  kingdom. Faith is necessary to discover the power of God’s kingdom.  The coming of the son of man, i.e. Jesus will bring the kingdom to reality.  The coming of the son of man is also referred to as the day of the Lord, Day of Judgment. Read Luke, 21: 27- 28. Those who obey Jesus will be saved but those who reject him will be punished.

Lessons to learn. God expects Christians to have faith in him. Christians should have faith in Jesus so that  they can inherit eternal life. Faith is needed to strengthen Christians. Faith is important in the life of a  Christian until Jesus returns, i.e. the second coming.

Revision exercise 

  1. What did Jesus teach on forgiveness



Learning outcomes.

By the end of this lesson, discuss the values of persistence in prayer

To teach about persistence in prayer, Jesus used two parables. These were the parables of: the widow  and a corrupt judge and examples of prayer by a Pharisee and a tax collector.

The widow and the unjust judge. Read Luke, 18: 1 – 9

Jesus had already taught the disciples how to pray. He now tells them that they ought to pray and not  faint. He gives a parable to explain his point.

A widow went to a corrupt judge to have her adversaries judged. The judge was corrupt and ignored  her. He however gave in to her demands since she was persistent and wearing him down. The judge  helped her because of her persistence and courage.

Lessons learnt from the parable 

Followers of Jesus should pray with courage and be persistent in prayer. God hears and answers prayers.

Christians should pray without ceasing and with faith and trust that their prayers will be answered.

Parable of the Pharisee, and tax collector, Read Luke, 18:9 – 14

A Pharisee and tax collector went to the temple to pray. The Pharisee offered a long prayer focusing on his achievements. The tax collector (publican) did not have much to say except asking for mercy, as he  was a sinner. Followers of Jesus should acknowledge they are sinners and seek forgiveness. They should  approach God in humility and avoid spiritual pride, and selfrighteousness.

Revision exercise 

  1. State the parable of the widow and the unjust judge


LESSON TEN. THE WAY TO SALVATION, Read Luke, 18: 15 – 19: 1 – 27.

Introduction: The word ‘salvation’ refers to the act of saving or being saved from sin. Those who have  received salvation area assured of eternal life. To receive salvation a person must acknowledge that he  is a sinner and repent their sins. In this way, they receive forgiveness and are reconciled to God.

Learning outcomes.

By the end of this lesson, you should  a. State the meaning of salvation

  1. Discuss characteristics of salvation
  2. Give examples of those who will enter the Kingdom of God.
  3. Explain how Jesus predicted his death


Salvation means being saved from a life-threatening situation. In Christianity, salvation refers to the  process of being delivered from sin and its consequences. Those who are saved are assured of eternal  life.

Jesus taught about salvation using children to illustrate his message. This is what happened. Some  people brought their children to Jesus so that he could bless them. The disciples scolded them. Jesus  asked the children to come to him and he blessed them.

Jesus taught his disciples that they must be humble like children in order to enter the kingdom of God.

The road to salvation is by being simple, humble, and trusting like little children. The kingdom of God  belongs to those who humble themselves like the little children.

The rich man. Read Luke, 18:18 – 30

The entry into the kingdom of God was further explained through the story of the rich man. The rich  man came to Jesus wanting to know how he could inherit eternal life and be saved. Jesus reminded him  of the importance of keeping the commandments. The young man responded that he had observed the  commandments since he was young. Jesus told him there is one thing remaining to do; sell everything  he has, and give it to the poor, and then follow Jesus.

The rich man was very sorrowful for he was very wealthy. Wealth can hinder the rich from receiving  salvation. Jesus acknowledged the sacrifice made by his disciples. He emphasized that disciples shall  receive salvation in the present and in life to come. Salvation is a gift from God. Salvation is received; by  those who accept to follow Jesus. Trusting in wealth can be a hindrance to salvation. The rich may find it  difficult to inherit eternal life.

Jesus predicts his death, a 3rd time. Read Luke, 18: 31 – 34.

Jesus predicted his death a three times. First was after asking his disciples who they say he was. The

second time was after transfiguration when his face was set towards Jerusalem. The third prediction  shall be in Jerusalem (Luke 18:31-34). Jesus told the disciples that previous prophecies would be fulfilled  in Jerusalem. His death was going to take place in Jerusalem according to the writings of the prophets. It  was going to be a painful death. He shall be beaten, mocked, spit upon and put to death. But on the  third day, he shall rise again.

The disciples did not understand what Jesus was telling them. Jesus had to die so that those who  believed in him may receive eternal life. The death and resurrection of Jesus gives Christians hope of  eternal life.

Jesus heals a blood beggar. Read Luke, 18: 35 – 43

As Jesus neared Jericho, a blind man sat by the roadside begging. When he heard the multitude pass by,  he inquired what was going on and he was told that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. He then cried out  “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me”

The crowds rebuked him but he cried out louder to Jesus to have mercy on him. Jesus asked him what  he wanted. He said he wanted to see. Jesus told him to receive his sight for his faith had made him  whole. The beggar was joyful and he followed Jesus rejoicing.

Lessons learnt. 

Christians should have faith in Jesus. They should also be persistent and make specific requests.



Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson,

  1. Narrate events leading to salvation of Zacchaeus
  2. Explain meanings of the story of the man who gave gold coins to his servants

Zacchaeus was short. His profession was a tax collector. He was rich. He wanted to be saved.

When Jesus was passing by Jericho, he wanted to see Jesus. He couldn’t because he was short. He ran  and climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus. When Jesus came to the place where Zacchaeus was, he  looked up and said “Hurry down, Zacchaeus, because I must stay in your house today” (verse 5).

Jesus then went with Zacchaeus to his house. When people saw this they grumbled, and murmured.

They said that Jesus was going to a house of a sinner.

Jesus told them that salvation has come to the house of Zacchaeus, a son of Abraham … the Son of man  came to seek and save the lost. There is no sin that God cannot forgive, even that of a tax collector.

Zacchaeus told Jesus that he was going to give to the poor half of his wealth and whatever he took from  any man and woman wrongfully, he will restore four times. From this salvation, we learn that the rich  should share their wealth with the needy.

The Parable of the Gold Coins: Luke, 19: 11 – 27.

A certain nobleman went to a far country. Before he left he called his ten servants and gave each a gold  coin (ten pounds in total). He told them to trade with the coins until he returns.

When he returned, he called the servants to report profits they had made. The first servant said that  one-pound coin had made profit of 10 pounds (gold coins). He made the manager of ten cities. The  second servant had traded and gained 5 pounds. He was made the manager of 5 cities. The third one  had hidden the pound. He did not trade. He accused the master of being mean, and cruel. He returned  the pound, which was given to the servant with 10 pounds.

Lessons to learn. 

This parable was about the kingdom of God. God expects us to use opportunities he has given to us for  his work. Each one of us shall account for the use of the abilities and skills that God gave to us –  students, workers, and other professionals. To receive eternal life, Christians should repent and be  obedient to God’s instructions.

Revision questions 

  1. What did Jesus teach by using the example of little children?
  2. Give an account of how Jesus healed the blind beggar
  3. Explain the relevance of Jesus’ teachings on salvation to Christians
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