Learning Outcomes.

By the end of this lesson, you should:

  1. Explain events leading to the birth of Jesus
  2. Describe the meeting between Mary and Elizabeth
  3. Describe the birth of Jesus
  4. Explain the dedication of JESUS
  5. Describe Jesus at the Temple

Angel Gabriel announces the birth of Jesus. Angel Gabriel said that Mary would conceive and bear a child. Angel Gabriel called Mary ‘ the highly favoured one’. Mary was an ordinary virgin girl in Galilee engaged to marry Joseph, a descendant of David. The Angel said that Mary will bear A Son called  Jesus which means God serves. The child shall be great. He shall be called the son of the highest. He shall be given the throne of his father David. He shall reign forever. His kingdom will never  end.

Read again and explain what angel Gabriel said concerning the child to be born to Mary?

Mary visits Elizabeth. Luke 1:39-56

Angel Gabriel had told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was also going to have a child. Mary went to visit  her. The child in Elizabeth’s womb leaped when Mary greeted Elizabeth.

The Holy Spirit revealed to  Elizabeth that Mary is the mother of her Lord, the Messiah. Mary answered Elizabeth by singing the  hymn “The Protector” in Psalm 121:3, The Love of God. Psalm 103:17, 98:3.

The Magnificent. In this hymn Mary says:

Her soul magnifies the Lord.

The Lord has regarded the poor and those of low estate.

God’s mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.  God humbles the proud and mighty, and exalts those of low estate (the lowly)

God has filled the hungry and sent the rich away empty

Through the magnificent, Mary, expresses her joy, gratitude and favour given to her and the world.

The birth of Jesus Christ. Luke.2: 1 – 20

The birth of Jesus took place in Bethlehem, in Judea, during the reign of

Augustus Caesar, a Roman  Emperor. During that time, Rome was conducting a census of the people / citizens for the purpose of  collecting taxes. The census was ordered by the emperor to determine payment of taxes. The method  that Rome was using was counting. Joseph, of the house of David went to his hometown, called  Bethlehem; for the census. Jesus was born during this time. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and  laid in a manger because there was no accommodation in Bethlehem.  The first people to receive the news that a Savior was born were the shepherds. An angel announced  the birth of the Savior, Christ the lord, to the shepherds. The shepherds went to Bethlehem and saw the  child Jesus. They spread the word concerning what had been told them about the child.

How was the annunciation of the birth of Jesus extraordinary?

The dedication of JESUS – LUKE.2: 22 – 38

Like John the Baptist, Jesus was circumcised, and named on the 8th day. He was named Jesus which  means ‘the savior’ or Yahweh or save’s. Mary and Joseph observed the Jewish customs according to the  Law of Moses. For her purification and dedication of the child Jesus, Mary brought a pair of turtledoves  as an offering. The fist born males were dedicated to God as Holy.

Simeon took the child up in his arms  for dedication and said that:

“The child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel. A Sword will pierce Mary’s soul on account of the  child.” Prophet Anna also came to the temple and prophesied that the child shall bring deliverance.

Jesus at the Temple Luke 2:42 – 52

The parents of Jesus Mary and Joseph, went to Jerusalem every year for the feast of the Passover. When  Jesus was 12, he accompanied them to Jerusalem. After the feast the parents went home without  realizing that their child, Jesus was not with them. But while on the way, they realized he was not  amongst them.

They returned to Jerusalem, and looked for him for 3 days. They found him sitting in the temple;  listening and asking teachers questions. All those who were in the temple were astonished by his  wisdom and intelligence. It is in the temple that Jesus is revealed, first as a true son of his people and  also as light and salvation for all people. On being questioned by Mary and Joseph, Jesus answered thus:

”Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house, about my Father’s business?” This was an echo of  Malachi 3:1 “the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple”.

Answer these questions

  • Trace occasions when angels appeared to people in the new testament
  • How did Jesus follow the customs and traditions of the Jewish people?


  1. Occasions when angels appeared to people in the New Testament
  • Angel appeared to Zechariah to announce birth of John the Baptist
  • Angel appeared to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus Christ
  • Angels appeared to the shepherds on the night Jesus was born (d) Angel appeared to Joseph in a dream warning him to flee to Egypt with the child and Mary
  1. How Jesus followed the customs and traditions of the Jewish people
  • He was named on the 8th day
  • He was circumcised on the 8th day
  • His parents took him to the temple for the annual cerebrations of the.


  • He went to the synagogue
  • In his dedication as a first male, his parents offered the sacrifices expected from them.

Topic Review Questions 

  1. Explain events leading to the birth of Jesus
  2. Describe the meeting between Mary and Elizabeth
  3. Describe the birth of Jesus
  4. Explain the dedication of JESUS
  5. Describe Jesus at the Temple
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