The CPA Certification

The CPA certification is intended for those students who wish to qualify and work as professional accountants, auditors, finance managers, tax specialists and financial consultants.

Experienced accountants and students who have completed CPA examinations would be wise to consider becoming certified public accountants. Highly respected in the business world and often in financially rewarding positions, certified public accountants have more opportunities to use their accounting skills as consultants serving the general public or business owners.

Who is a CPA(K)

The designation CPA(K) is reserved for members of ICPAK. An individual who has finalized the CPA professional course but has not been registered Institute is simply referred to as a CPA Finalist. CPA (Certified Public Accountant)  is a qualification attained after going through training in all the levels of CPA course successfully.

The CPA curriculum and examination is set by KASNEB. Completion of the CPA Course is a requirement for registration as a member of ICPAK. After attaining ICPAK Membership, a member is allowed to use the CPA(K) designation.

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