1. Enable the organisation carry out its set objectives in the desired manner. i.e. Policies create order.
  2. Ensure employees are informed of the expectations of the employer.
  3. Protect common interests of all parties in the organisation
  4. Provide for consultative participation by employees in management through devolved authority. I.e. where policies are clear on subject matters very little reference is required.
  5. Provide security of employment. I.e. where policies are well documented in all aspects, the organisation is perceived as a stable employer.
  6. Provides opportunity for growth in the organisation e. employee growth/advancement in the organisation is assured when there is consistency of decisions made as a result of policies being in place.
  7. Creates a sense of responsibility for those in authority. I.e. arbitrary decisions are reduced.
  8. Helps preserve institutional memory


Good personnel policies embrace certain characteristics:

  1. They should be definitive, positive, clear and easily understood by everyone in the organisation.
  2. They are written in a way that protects the organisation against loss and also prevent promulgation (spread) of numerous, differing and temporary oral policies from multiple sources.e. good policies should never be anti-establishment, they serve to protect the interests of the organisations
  3. They have to be reasonable, stable and able to stand the test of time but not rigid in that they cannot be revised. They should be evaluated, updated and revised periodically to make them current.
  4. They have to be in tune with the challenges of the environment.
  5. They should be formulated with due regard to the interests of all concerned parties. (Should not be imposed on employees, involve them at formulation stage)
  6. They should be formulated after careful analysis of all available facts.
  7. They must be consistent with public policy and the legal statutes.
  8. They must have the support of the management and workers.
  9. They must be uniform and applied equally throughout the organisation.

Policies can be drawn from various sources from within and outside the organisation. Some of the most common reference points when coming up with HR policies are:

  1. Past practises in the organisation
  2. Prevailing practises in similar organisations and the
  3. Philosophies, ideals and attitudes of the Directors and
  4. Knowledge and experience gained from handling day–to-day personnel problems
  5. Employee suggestions and complaints
  6. Collective bargaining processes and agreement
  7. Existing Government legislation
  8. Consultants and professional bodies dealing with HR matters
  9. Changes in the Economic Environment
  10. Culture, attitudes and social values of the labour force.
  11. Goals and objectives of the organisation.
  12. Technological changes i.e. changes in the ICT field, -internet as a valuable source
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