Steps in Recruitment and Selection Process

The recruitment and selection process as is a series of hurdles aimed at selecting the best candidates for the job. The steps employed are summarized below.

1. Decide what position you will have to fill by engaging in personnel planning and forecasting.
2. Build a pool candidates for these jobs by recruiting internal or external candidates.
3. Have applicants complete application forms and perhaps undergo an initial screening interview.
4. Use selection techniques like tests, background investigations and physical exams to identify viable candidates.
5. Finally, decide who to make an offer to, by having the supervisor and (perhaps) others on the team interview the final candidates.
In the sections that follow, we discuss each of these steps in details.

Employment Planning and Forecasting
Employment or personnel planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them. Personnel planning covers all the firm’s future positions from maintenance clerk to CEO. However, most firms use succession planning to refer to the process of deciding how to fill the company’s most important executive jobs.

Employment planning is an integral part of a firm’s strategic and HR panning processes. A firm’s plan to expand plans to enter new business, build new plants, or reduce costs all influence the types of positions the firm will need to fill. One big question is whether to fill projected openings from within or from outside the firm. In other words, should you plan to fill them with current employees or by recruiting from outside?

Each option produces its own set of HR plans. Current employee may require training development and coaching before they are ready to fill new jobs. Going outside requires deciding what recruiting sources to use among other things. Like all good plans, management builds employment plans on premises – basic assumptions about the future. Forecasting generates these premises. If you’re planning for employment requirements you’ll usually need to forecast three things Personnel needs, the supply of inside
candidates and the supply of outside candidates.

Factors to Consider When Forecasting
1. Demand for product/service.
2. Project turnover within the organization.

How to Forecast Personnel Needs
The expected demand for you product or service is paramount when forecasting personnel needs. The usual process is therefore to forecast revenues first. Then estimate the size of the staff required to achieve this volume. In addition to expected demand staffing plans may reflect.

1. Demand for product or service.
2. Projected labor turnover (as a result of resignation or terminations)
3. Quality and skills of your employees (relations to what you see as the changing needs of your organization) – training needs.
4. Strategic decisions to upgrade the quality of products or services or enter into new markets.
5. Technological and other changes resulting in increased productivity.
6. The financial resources available to your department.

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